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estranged4life 06-21-2009 08:22 PM

As I stated in the Tulsa review, it seems that a lot more fights occur (Or near fights) at a Fleetwood Mac show than even the metal shows I have seen.

Stupid people, such as the woman with the sign, shouldn't breathe....Or breed for that matter.

michelej1 06-21-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by sodascouts (Post 827084)
I'd had enough. "Not this time," I said, and grabbed the corner, pulling it down. The woman tried to move away but I was on a mission. I wouldn't let go.

Good for you, Nancy. When you're in traffic and someone does something dangerous and incredibly illegal, you always wonder why highway patrol isn't around to ticket them. I feel the same way at concerts. When security at some venues is always around to tell people to put up their cameras, why can they never be around when fans are doing something as disruptive as this. She was distracting and obstructive. One person can ruin things for so many. I wouldn't have been brave like that, but glad you didn't put up with it and I know so many people were grateful to you.

Hmmm. Why has she only wanted to sleep with Lindsey for 10 years?:distress:


Steviefan49 06-21-2009 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 827087)
Good for you, Nancy. When you're in traffic and someone does something dangerous and incredibly illegal, you always wonder why highway patrol isn't around to ticket them. I feel the same way at concerts. When security at some venues is always around to tell people to put up their cameras, why can they never be around when fans are doing something as disruptive as this. She was distracting and obstructive. One person can ruin things for so many. I wouldn't have been brave like that, but glad you didn't put up with it and I know so many people were grateful to you.

Hmmm. Why has she only wanted to sleep with Lindsey for 10 years?:distress:


Well, you just took the words right out of my mouth Michele! LOL.. I was going to say the exact same thing, and had I been at that show, I would have refused to touch that stupid thing! Good for you Nancy!!

strandinthewind 06-21-2009 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 827087)
. . . Hmmm. Why has she only wanted to sleep with Lindsey for 10 years?:distress:

Her name is Kristin


strandinthewind 06-21-2009 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by sodascouts (Post 827084)
. . .
I can only hope she only acts that way when she's liquored up because otherwise.... woah. One would hope a woman who was obviously over 50 would have a little more maturity.

Lord Child - I had a skanky drunk/high old broad next to me in MSG essentially shouting that she (apparently too) wanted to "fu*k LB)." She then, put her surprisingly more than half full liquor drink on the stage, tried to move me out of the way, and then fall directly onto her well cushioned a$$.

belladonnadream 06-21-2009 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Drummergrl (Post 827043)
I was there, and it was a great show indeed. They all sounded great. I thought it was very touching that Stevie sang a part of that new song. Well.. it was just very sweet of her to do that. It made the night even more special. It was a packed house. too. I was just happy that I got to go, 'cause times are real hard now.

That's awesome...that's the most courageous thing she's done this whole glad she did that..what a special surprise for you all! Jealous! Does anyone have a video or sound clip of it??????

belladonnadream 06-21-2009 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by strandinthewind (Post 827101)
Lord Child - I had a skanky drunk/high old broad next to me in MSG essentially shouting that she (apparently too) wanted to "fu*k LB)." She then, put her surprisingly more than half full liquor drink on the stage, tried to move me out of the way, and then fall directly onto her well cushioned a$$.


belladonnadream 06-21-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by gypsyrhiannon (Post 827076)
Just to add my .02 as someone who was a resident of New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit...

I found it very touching that Stevie had written a song about it and wanted to share part of it with us. As far as the vampire line goes, it was a passing reference to a group that is a part of New Orleans culture. As anyone who has spent any amount of time in New Orleans knows, if you stay out late enough, you will eventually find yourself having dinner next to a group of "vampires" complete with capes, walking sticks, etc. It sounds strange outside the context of the city, but then, New Orleans is a strange city:]

All in all, I'm very happy that Stevie was willing to sing part of her song for us. It meant a lot.

~Kristin K.

Soo cool for you to finally hear a part of something she's been talking about for years now...

Drummergrl 06-22-2009 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by sodascouts (Post 827084)
OK guys, gotta get something off my chest, and if the woman in question is reading this... good.

Last night at the concert me, easygoing Nancy, almost got in an altercation during the show! Here's the story:

This woman next to me had a REALLY long banner. It was so long that it took about 12 people to hold it up, whom she was able to enlist by bugging them. She tried to enlist me, but then I got a gander at what it said: "LINDSEY I HAVE WANTED TO F--K YOU FOR TEN YEARS" in super-big letters. Of course she did not have dashes instead of letters. It was right in the middle at the front, and stretched from in front of Stevie to in front of Lindsey. It was held up for several minutes during an early Lindsey song, and actually hit me in the face, so I kind of shoved it away from me. Lindsey saw it and nodded at me, like he thought it was my sign, to my mortification. I quickly shook my head and pointed at that other woman. Stevie was looking pissed off.

Whatever. I shrugged it off and waited for her to put it down now that she'd been acknowledged. But she didn't. I don't know what she was waiting for - him to come over and proposition her from the stage? Finally, it drifted down. But that was not to be the end of it. She held it up a second time a couple songs later. Again, it hit me in the face. Again, I tolerated it. By this point, the MANY people it was blocking were getting annoyed too.

Then, Stevie sang the moving song about New Orleans, and went into Landslide. The woman started shoving the banner up AGAIN. It was obvious Stevie hated the vulgar sign and here she was, pouring her heart out during a highly emotional song, and she was gonna have to look at THAT again? I'd had enough. "Not this time," I said, and grabbed the corner, pulling it down. The woman tried to move away but I was on a mission. I wouldn't let go.

She became enraged, calling me all sorts of vulgarities for the remainder of the song. I simply turned away and refused to react, but never let go of that sign until I saw it fall to the floor. After the song, she continued hollering. I turned to her and said as politely as I could, "Ma'am, please be quiet, I am trying to enjoy the show." Then I turned away again and determinedly did not look at her or acknowledge her. You can imagine this did not silence her, but it was fairly easy to block her out as there was someone in between her and me and therefore I didn't have to see her. Also, with the crowd noise, her epithets were muffled to the degree where I couldn't quite make them out anyway. At any rate, the show was so wonderful that I could wrap myself in it and not think too hard about her, even though she continued ranting for several more songs.

I don't know if Lindsey saw what happened, but after that was when he came over for I'm So Afraid and gave us some special attention, much to that woman's anger. Hmmm.

As I said, she continued for several songs afterwards and then approached me again, at which point I said "We'll talk after the show." At that, she finally left me alone with the promise that "We definitely will."

Of course, when the lights came up at the end, she left without another word. That was fine with me. If she had tried anything I would have just called over security. I had no intention of engaging in a shouting match with her or, even more ridiculously, a cat fight.

I can only hope she only acts that way when she's liquored up because otherwise.... woah. One would hope a woman who was obviously over 50 would have a little more maturity.

I don't regret doing it and I'd do it again. Signs are fine if you're considerate of others... but if you're going to be obnoxious and rude, don't expect everyone to silently put up with you.

omg.. that is so obnoxious! We had some rude ones in front of us as well. Now, I have no problem standing during a concert, but our whole section was sitting down, so I sat down too, to be considerate of the people in back of us, and across the aisle. I'd get up once and awhile to try and see the band, as did my son, but those rude people in the row ahead of us, stood for the greater part of the concert, so needless to say, we didn't see the band much, except by way of the video screens, which is more like watching a DVD at home. I had paid the full ticketmaster price, but not to just look at video screens. Now, I understand that they were just having fun, we all were... but they were getting sloshed and obnoxious as well. It was my son's first concert and he could hardly see. I felt so bad for him. We still had a great time, 'cause they sounded so awesome. I can imagine how annoying it must have been for you though. What goes through someone's mind that would make them do something so vulgar like that? I don't think his wife would have appreciated that, that's for sure. That lady didn't have to get so ugly with you either.

JeannieKartis 06-22-2009 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by sodascouts (Post 827084)
OK guys, gotta get something off my chest, and if the woman in question is reading this... good.

Last night at the concert me, easygoing Nancy, almost got in an altercation during the show! Here's the story:

This woman next to me had a REALLY long banner. It was so long that it took about 12 people to hold it up, whom she was able to enlist by bugging them. She tried to enlist me, but then I got a gander at what it said: "LINDSEY I HAVE WANTED TO F--K YOU FOR TEN YEARS" in super-big letters. Of course she did not have dashes instead of letters. It was right in the middle at the front, and stretched from in front of Stevie to in front of Lindsey. It was held up for several minutes during an early Lindsey song, and actually hit me in the face, so I kind of shoved it away from me. Lindsey saw it and nodded at me, like he thought it was my sign, to my mortification. I quickly shook my head and pointed at that other woman. Stevie was looking pissed off.

Whatever. I shrugged it off and waited for her to put it down now that she'd been acknowledged. But she didn't. I don't know what she was waiting for - him to come over and proposition her from the stage? Finally, it drifted down. But that was not to be the end of it. She held it up a second time a couple songs later. Again, it hit me in the face. Again, I tolerated it. By this point, the MANY people it was blocking were getting annoyed too.

Then, Stevie sang the moving song about New Orleans, and went into Landslide. The woman started shoving the banner up AGAIN. It was obvious Stevie hated the vulgar sign and here she was, pouring her heart out during a highly emotional song, and she was gonna have to look at THAT again? I'd had enough. "Not this time," I said, and grabbed the corner, pulling it down. The woman tried to move away but I was on a mission. I wouldn't let go.

She became enraged, calling me all sorts of vulgarities for the remainder of the song. I simply turned away and refused to react, but never let go of that sign until I saw it fall to the floor. After the song, she continued hollering. I turned to her and said as politely as I could, "Ma'am, please be quiet, I am trying to enjoy the show." Then I turned away again and determinedly did not look at her or acknowledge her. You can imagine this did not silence her, but it was fairly easy to block her out as there was someone in between her and me and therefore I didn't have to see her. Also, with the crowd noise, her epithets were muffled to the degree where I couldn't quite make them out anyway. At any rate, the show was so wonderful that I could wrap myself in it and not think too hard about her, even though she continued ranting for several more songs.

I don't know if Lindsey saw what happened, but after that was when he came over for I'm So Afraid and gave us some special attention, much to that woman's anger. Hmmm.

As I said, she continued for several songs afterwards and then approached me again, at which point I said "We'll talk after the show." At that, she finally left me alone with the promise that "We definitely will."

Of course, when the lights came up at the end, she left without another word. That was fine with me. If she had tried anything I would have just called over security. I had no intention of engaging in a shouting match with her or, even more ridiculously, a cat fight.

I can only hope she only acts that way when she's liquored up because otherwise.... woah. One would hope a woman who was obviously over 50 would have a little more maturity.

I don't regret doing it and I'd do it again. Signs are fine if you're considerate of others... but if you're going to be obnoxious and rude, don't expect everyone to silently put up with you.

I wish I had been there, that sign would have been ripped to shreds! Thats disgusting, I can't even believe she would think that was appropriate.....

good for you for taking care of her!

Enchanted_Stevi 06-22-2009 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by JeannieKartis (Post 827153)
I wish I had been there, that sign would have been ripped to shreds! Thats disgusting, I can't even believe she would think that was appropriate.....

good for you for taking care of her!

OMG I KNOW! I would have ripped it apart!

RoseGarden 06-22-2009 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by sodascouts (Post 827084)
OK guys, gotta get something off my chest, and if the woman in question is reading this... good.

Last night at the concert me, easygoing Nancy, almost got in an altercation during the show! Here's the story:

This woman next to me had a REALLY long banner. It was so long that it took about 12 people to hold it up, whom she was able to enlist by bugging them. She tried to enlist me, but then I got a gander at what it said: "LINDSEY I HAVE WANTED TO F--K YOU FOR TEN YEARS"


I just found this thread. I CANNOT believe anyone would write a banner like that to any of the members of the Mac! How about I LOVE THE MAC?

My night got ruined on the 17th from a drunk bitch that slammed my back and did some other physical things----I was right under Lindsey's feet. I didn't want to push her causing innocent others to get in the mess so I left.
I waited 20 years to touch Lindsey's hand and would of loved to tell him I love him!
Society is just getting unruly . My little dream was shot to hell cause I refused to fight back........................Security at Mohegan SUCKS! This bitch came plowing into the front row by about the 5-6 song.

I doubt she'd have the intelligence or class to understand drunk and disorder as she was special cause she had a back stage pass.
Guess back passes gives immunity to do anything the hell you want.

snayle 06-22-2009 04:41 PM

Pictures From New Orleans Show??
Hi did anyone get any good pictures from the New Orleans show? We were too far for anything good to come out & after seeing some of the great pics from the Nashville show (which we had thought about going to as well), I'm totally jealous!! So if someone has any, please post.

It was such an awesome show. Lindsey was on fire & I totally lost it during his "So Afraid" guitar extravaganza. Hope they put out some sort of live recording from this tour. They have certainly outdone themselves this time.

BTFLCHLD 06-22-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by sodascouts (Post 827084)

TACKEEEE :eek: :eek: were you at stage or your third row seats? where was security?

RockALittle250 06-22-2009 08:01 PM

I found the interview where she talked a lot about the song. It was an interview she gave with LiveDaily on May 3, 2007, while promoting Crystal Visions. Here's the excerpt:

Have you started writing material for a new album?
I have. It's not like I'm writing new material for a new album; I'm just writing because I always write. I've written a song about New Orleans that I really love that's kind of about [Hurricane] Katrina. I was going to put it on this record as just an extra, added thing, then I pulled it because I'm not ready to release this song yet. I don't have the time to go out and find the right producer for this song. I'd like to have it be a real New Orleans flair. I live in Los Angeles. I don't really know anybody with a New Orleans flair here. I made a really, really good demo of it and it's sitting in the demo trunk waiting for when I have some time to do it. When this tour's over at the end of the summer, that's probably one of the first things I'll do is find somebody. I want to get this song recorded. I don't think it will matter if it'll take another two years to come out, because New Orleans is not getting better overnight. I think it's going to be relevant for the next 10 years, [so I'll release it] whenever I get it done to the point of where I think it's really ready to help that city. That's what I want to do with it. I want to let it go somehow someway to help them. Whether it's just giving the song royalties over to the city of New Orleans or what--but something. I'll figure out something. I didn't want to take a chance of it not being done, as good as it is. I think it's one of the best songs I've written in a long time.

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