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jbrownsjr 04-04-2014 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by chriskisn (Post 1125078)
In fact we are often the ones who try to keep Bob's legacy alive by reminding people of how great he was. We are the ones that have bought the albums, not just of the FM era but his solo albums as well. There are a lot of pro-Bob Welch people here that were here before all of the Wendy worshippers joined or tried to join.

It's my fav period. Amazing comp, arranging, and dark.

aleuzzi 04-04-2014 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by chriskisn (Post 1124963)
Sadly Bob was a great conspiracy theorist, and Wendy seems to be too. There isn't always a conspiracy behind everything. Bob didn't get into the hall of fame perhaps because he had a lawsuit against Mick, John and Chris. Chris got pissed as any of us would and didn't want anything to do with Bob. Yes, Bob was probably well within his rights to sue, but that didn't make Chris' feelings any less valid. It wasn't a conspiracy it was just plain personal dislike and resentment. These things happen even if they shouldn't.

No-one is trying to delete Bob's memory, it just doesn't sell albums. I'm one of the few people on here who think the Bob Welch era was the best era of FM. Most people think PG or SN/LB. Those eras sell albums, make money and people care about them. They don't care about the time in the wilderness between Peter leaving and SN and LB joining. It isn't a conspiracy it is just commercial common sense.

Bravo! Well said, sir.

MacShadowsBall 04-04-2014 10:05 PM

Well, I hate that Wendy has been banned. I haven't been here much this week so I don't know what she said. I'm assuming the offensive post has been removed.


chriskisn 04-04-2014 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by MacShadowsBall (Post 1125081)
Well, I hate that Wendy has been banned. I haven't been here much this week so I don't know what she said. I'm assuming the offensive post has been removed.


just read through the previous posts, you can kind of put two and two together and work out what was said and who it was aimed at.

iamnotafraid 04-05-2014 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1125064)
As for your post, I think it came out about two days ahead of April Fools.

Regarding Wendy, she did not want to be moderated...

her Facebook page, which is also where I think she can find the most cathartic relief for her grief, if relief can be found online at all...


If you didn't like my story that's fine. We all have different senses
of humor. It being written a few days before April Fools didn't make
a difference though.

Back on topic. I believe it could be helpful for her to vent online.
She needs to get it out of her system and heal.

You not wanting Wendy here is understandable. It's your site I
suppose. I wouldn't want to own or run this website or any website
that's a pain to run. Even more so, ones that cost more money than
they bring in. Sounds like a headache to me.

I never was a big fan of Bob, especially with Fleetwood Mac. I do
think he was better without them. I do own a few of his albums.
The main reason I posted was because of my concern for her. I
didn't read every post she made, but some of the ones I did were
very troubling.

Wendy if you're reading this, there's a few of us that are concerned
about you. I hope you don't take offence. We wish you the very best.

chriskisn 04-05-2014 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 1125098)
Wendy if you're reading this, there's a few of us that are concerned
about you. I hope you don't take offence. We wish you the very best.

I think everyone on her accepted that Wendy was grieving and she got away with more than the rest of us would for that reason. Finding your husband after he has committed suicide is enough to screw up anyone's mental health, especially in the way it was done and the reasons it was done for. I don't think there is anyone here that doesn't wish her well and want the best for Bob's legacy.

jbrownsjr 04-05-2014 02:15 AM

^^ In that respect, my heart goes out to her. She's been through a lot with loss, pain, finances, estates, etc.

I loved Bob's music and think he was a fantastic and creative musician. I think he wrote the best lyrics out of any member. He kept the band alive. His blend with Christine was amazing. Even she admits that they had chemistry. It's a shame that he wasn't inducted, no matter who's fault it was.

I think that it's been cathartic for her to defend the music and lack of recognition in print. I personally still get pissed thinking about the snub from the RRHOF. Having said that, I hope Wendy can let go and get herself to a healthier place in life. Her life is not over and she needs to be healthy to carry on her goals with Bob's legacy.

This board has been nothing but supportive to her and I can only guess that she would threaten the board because she's not in a good place even now. That's why it's probably best she take a break, even if it's permanent.

seekerj 04-05-2014 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by chriskisn (Post 1124961)
There are two points to be considered. Yes we have to give her respect because she's grieving and has lost her husband, band member or not. However, the same rules do apply to everyone on this board, and to allow one person to have special privileges simply because she's a link to the band isn't really acceptable.

Plus when her attacks are aimed at a former FM member who is also a member on here where do we draw the line?

And it's sad that anybody's right to express himself or herself is limited at all. The idea of allowing special privileges shouldn't be an issue, not because everyone's freedom should be limited, but because no one's freedom should be limited. There are times when an expressed point of view will not be popular. That's life. But is that really any reason to stop a person from expressing it? Why does a line need to be drawn?

WildHearted 04-05-2014 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by seekerj (Post 1125116)
And it's sad that anybody's right to express himself or herself is limited at all. The idea of allowing special privileges shouldn't be an issue, not because everyone's freedom should be limited, but because no one's freedom should be limited. There are times when an expressed point of view will not be popular. That's life. But is that really any reason to stop a person from expressing it? Why does a line need to be drawn?

A line has to be drawn when issues of legality come into play.

Punkinseed55 04-05-2014 01:07 PM

Wendy is a cool lady..leave her alone

michelej1 04-05-2014 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 1125098)
If you didn't like my story that's fine. We all have different senses
of humor. It being written a few days before April Fools didn't make
a difference though.

It had nothing to do with liking or not liking your Elvis song. The fact that it was before April Fools day is material, because the timing increases the likelihood of confusion. Some people would run into the thread, think Stevie had written a song (which is a big deal, since she's not recording with the band yet) and, what's more, that the song was about Lindsey. They'd get their hopes up, get excited and find it was a prank. You can expect such punking on April Fool's Day, but it's not very worthwhile to mislead other posters with fake threads during the rest of the year.

As for Wendy, venting is good, but depending on how you do it, it can be destructive. We all know the Kubler-Ross model on grief. I think if you stay in the anger stage too long, it can do more harm than good. There's no good "venting" in a way that increases your anger rather than relieves it.

I hope that she is able to clear the legal hurdles and publish the book of Bob's that he written. I was interested in that.


michelej1 04-05-2014 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1125073)
I've been on this board for a very long time and I've never even got a whiff that anyone here was against Bob Welch.

Well, you know that Bob Welch would come on here himself sometimes in the old days and people always liked having him.

One time he was telling us about his wife's cancer scare and how he was disappointed in the response he got from some FM members.

Other times he told us about Sheryl Crow or Karen not being great.

I usually don't do Happy Birthday threads, but one time I did and he said it wasn't his birthday and that he was on record as having two birthdays because he just made one up one time for an interview and that fake birthday haunted and stayed with him through the years. It's been listed on some of his bios ever since.

He had a wry sense of humor and could be entertaining and he had a great deal of Ledgie support at the time. And I think whenever he made an appearance, it made people want to go to his website and check out what he was doing.


louielouie2000 04-05-2014 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1125151)
Well, you know that Bob Welch would come on here himself sometimes in the old days and people always liked having him.

I miss his contributions. He always had some interesting tidbits to add to almost all types of discussions- Mac related or otherwise.

One of my favorite Ledge memories is from Bob's Q&A from 2003. I lived half of my life in North Carolina, so I'd always wondered what the backstory was behind the line in Hypnotized about the strange pond in North Carolina with sides of glass. I can't express how much it meant to me to hear straight from the man himself what inspired that story. I still pinch myself thinking that I had the chance to ask Bob about a lyric that had me curious for half my life.

As a side note, I was in a vintage furniture shop about an hour ago, and Sentimental Lady came on the radio (Bob's solo version). It just made me smile and think how grateful I am to be a Fleetwood Mac fan, and that we here at the Ledge got to have some personal interaction with Bob before his passing. :)

michelej1 04-05-2014 02:08 PM

His username was "Missus" if anyone wants to search his old posts.


David 04-05-2014 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by sodascouts (Post 1125026)
I absolutely agree with this decision. In fact, I hate the mentality that if someone is an "insider" they should be allowed to do whatever they want.

It's that sense of entitlement that leads to celebrities... and their family members... feeling free to engage in all sorts of misconduct. They are surrounded by sycophants so desperate to be close to an "insider" that they'll let them get away with murder.

"How dare you treat me that way! Don't you know who I am?!" That attitude doesn't work with me.

I completely agree with you, Nancy. Wendy (I am told) made very ugly allegations about a former Mac member (who happens to hang out here). Quite frankly, I'd rather he stick around than she.

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