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jwd 02-23-2002 04:19 PM

What is Your Favorite Pre Lindsey/Stevie FM Song?
Just curious!


macfan 57 02-23-2002 07:56 PM

This is a pretty easy one for me. I voted for Why. This is my second favorite Christine McVie song ever. I love everything about the song-never get tired of hearing it. My favorite Peter Green songs are Need Your Love So Bad and Green Manalishi. My favorite Bob Welch songs are Sentimental Lady and Hypnotized.

myndpeace 02-24-2002 12:58 AM

I voted for Hypnotized because Bob Welch is so underrated. A lot of people don't like his voice, but he was one of Mac's best songwriters. IMO, Mystery to Me ranks just below Tusk and Rumours as one of FM's best albums. The entire album has an ethereal, trippy feel. Sorta like Pink Floyd but more pop oriented.

As for my favorite Peter Green song, I'd have to go with Albatross.


wondergirl9847 02-24-2002 02:31 PM

My pick was...
It's a tie between Hypnotized and Why, two of the greatest songs, but I chose Hypnotized. I love Mystery to Me, great album! :thumbsup:

Rumours 02-25-2002 10:24 AM

Wow, that's a tough one!! I love Why, Hypnotized, Sentimental Lady AND Oh Well........but, since I absolutely had to choose, I HAD to go with Why!!!!! I love this Christine song......."my heart will rise up with the morning sun.....and the hurt I feel will simply melt away...." .......what a terrific bluesy, alto voice!!!!!!! Her singing this song, and those words....I just get chills!!


louielouie2000 02-25-2002 02:34 PM

I had to vote for Why too... like Stephanie, it absolutely gives me chills every time I listen to it. That twangy slide guitar intro just totally sets the mood... it just is like taking you into the song... away from your surroundings. And those lyrics are heartbreaking! I think my fav part of the song is the ending though... that guitar work really gets to me :). This is my personal fav Chris song (amongst the likes of Prove Your Love, and Over and Over). MTM was just an incredible album though! Every song was worth its weight in gold and then some! My second fav Mac album (behind Tusk). Of course the only pre '75 albums I have are Kiln House, Bare Trees, Mystery To Me, and Heroes are Hard to Find, so as I collect more, my vote may change! ;) -Louie

chiliD 02-25-2002 04:44 PM

Oh Well
Oh Well is my favorite SONG, no matter who covers it (except Kenny Wayne Shepard...his version sucks the big one)

After Oh Well, these stand out, for me, among the pre-1975 material (no particular order)

I Loved Another Woman
Love That Burns
Black Magic Woman
Need Your Love So Bad
Watch Out
Like It This Way
World In A Tangle
One Sunny Day
Sunny Side Of Heaven
Green Manalishi
Rattlesnake Shake
Before The Beginning
Show Biz Blues
Like Crying
Without You
World In Harmony
My Dream
Man Of The World
The World Keeps On Turning
Shake Your Money Maker
Purple Dancer
This Is The Rock
Station Man
Tell Me All The Things You Do
Morning Rain
Woman Of A 1000 Years
Future Games
Sentimental Lady
Child Of Mine
Remember Me
Caught In The Rain
Emerald Eyes
Believe Me
Keep On Going
Miles Away
For Your Love
Heroes Are Hard To Find
Bermuda Triangle
Come A Little Bit Closer
Born Enchanter

myndpeace 02-26-2002 01:12 AM


Originally posted by louielouie2000
MTM was just an incredible album though! Every song was worth its weight in gold and then some! My second fav Mac album (behind Tusk). Of course the only pre '75 albums I have are Kiln House, Bare Trees, Mystery To Me, and Heroes are Hard to Find, so as I collect more, my vote may change! ;) -Louie
MTM rocks!!! I'm glad that there are other people here who give Bob Welch the respect that he deserves as one of the Mac's most influential musicians. He was the Lindsey Buckingham of the band back then, writing most of the songs and willing to take those creative leaps. Both MTM and Tusk are rather experimental albums (probably Tusk more so), but what MTM has that Tusk doesn't is cohesiveness. The entire album flows better than any other Mac album and the nearly perfect production is rivaled only by Rumours. Bob Weston is heard on this album; although he is somewhat disliked for having an affair with Mick's wife which nearly caused the band to break up during the MTM tour, his guitar playing complements Bob Welch's nicely. Christine also shines on this album, but unlike her post-1975 work, this is a BLUES album. Her voice is perfectly designed for blues singing, and it rings clearer here than it does on her later work. Just listen to "Why" and "Believe Me." Christine is always and forever a blues artist; although she made the transition to pop in 1975, many of her greatest pop songs (Don't Stop, World Turning, Say You Love Me, Over and Over, Brown Eyes, etc.) retain a distinctive blues sound to them.

In terms of other pre-1975 albums, they're all worth a listen, but if you can't get a hold of all of them (as most of them are damn near impossible to find on CD here in the US), nobody's Mac collection should be without MTM, Bare Trees, Kiln House, Then Play On, and English Rose. I hate to say this, but many of the unofficial live albums featuring the original lineup are not worth the money. Not that there's anything wrong with the music, but on most of them the sound quality is far less than you'd expect.


louielouie2000 02-26-2002 01:42 AM

Bob Welch!
Yep! Bob Welch is the coolest! I just love his songwriting, and musical style. Very ethereal, he kind of takes you to a different world... like another certain FM songwriter that I am fond of ;) . I think MTM was his creative pinnacle with the Mac... his material was just incredible from it! He seemed to bring out the best in Chris too, IMO. But yeah, Bob is one of my all time favs :D. -Louie

anna 02-26-2002 09:52 AM

I voted Oh Well
I just love Why, Christine is on her best, but I don't love the end of the song.
That's why I voted for Oh Well, but what I mean is: Oh Well part One and Two, in combination. It's absolutely beautiful!


chiliD 02-26-2002 11:19 AM

To myndpeace
I don't know what CD shops you frequent, but every store I've been in (not counting Target, K-Mart or Wal-Mart), they've had the full complement of Fleetwood Mac discs starting with "Then Play On" (the first three...Dog & Dustbin, Mr. Wonderful, & Pious Bird are tough to find, I will admit...but that's what "The Complete Blue Horizon Sessions" box is for).

The Boston Box is THE difinitive documentation of the Peter Green era live. Great sound quality, AMAZING performances.

seteca 02-26-2002 12:35 PM

Oh Well!
I voted for Oh Well...I would say that, in my opinion, this song is perfect...the timing, the lyrics, the tune, the guitars, the bass, drums...everything!!!

And most importantly, it simply kicks ass!:cool:

My favourite version is Live at The Boston Tea Party.

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

madformac 02-26-2002 02:11 PM

It's got to be The Green Manalishi for me. The lyrics say it all about Peter and his frame of mind at the time, very powerful stuff, plus the feel given by the guitar work and the sporadic cries.
Having said that, Oh Well is an amazing piece of work too. I still get goosebumps when the intro kicks in. :D :D

beck 02-27-2002 04:18 PM

Definitely just has this really great relaxed kinda sound to it...Hypnotized is great too...2 of my fave. old school (haha had to say it) songs in a row...rock on


Hawkeye 03-31-2002 11:52 PM

i picked other
Bare Trees is the best pre BN song.

jwd 04-01-2002 05:41 PM

Bare Trees.. is my favorite FM Kirwan song, from my favorite pre-BN FM album. Yes, excellent choice. Thanks for mentioning it!

I always thought of Danny as the softer( more mellow) side of the Peter Green Mac.


Cristian 04-01-2002 09:17 PM

"Why" for me too. :)

Arizona Ranger 04-05-2002 12:43 PM

I like ....

Bare Trees
Emerald Eyes
Bermuda Triangle

Every song off Kiln House
Every Song off Heroes are Hard to Find

It's too bad Bob Welch did'nt stick around for the S/L era ! :nod:

Little Queenie 04-13-2002 10:42 PM

haven't posted in a while
but I have to say my fave pre-BN Mac song is a triple tie between
"Homeward Bound" (Bare Trees), "Sunny Side of Heaven" (Bare Trees), and Sands of Time (Future Games).

I love a lot of Christine and Danny's songs so it's hard to choose.


Lori 04-13-2002 11:34 PM

This was a tough one for me. I really love both Oh Well and Man of the World. Man of the World is sad, but so beautiful, and Oh Well just totally rocks. Plus, the verse when God says "Don't ask me what I think of you..." just makes me chuckle because it is SO true.

HOWEVER, I had to pick Sentimental Lady. I can't believe it's only gotten one vote (from me!). Bob Welch is just SO cool, and this is such a gorgeous song. I will admit, I prefer Bob's solo version of it for only one reason - I like Christine's backing vocals better on it when she sings "all I need is you." On the FM version, when she chimes in with the "sentimental gentle wind" part, it just sounds too rushed to me. BUT because I love the song so much, I like the FM version since it has more verses and I can listen to it for a longer time. :nod: Also, it comes from the Bare Trees album which I ADORE - it ties for second place with Tusk of my fave FM albums (the White Album will always be my #1).

And finally, I've just always loved Sentimental Lady ever since I was a young girl. As a teenager, when I was thinking about guys, but was yet unexperienced in that department, I always imagined that Sentimental Lady would be one of those ultimate songs to make love to.:o Another song that was in that category for me was Best of My Love by the Eagles. I wonder if Bob Welch realizes how "inspirational" his songs can be? ;)

Lori :wavey:

jwd 04-14-2002 06:38 PM

Love songs?!

Posted by Lori: I always imagined that Sentimental Lady would be one of those ultimate songs to make love to.
Ha Ha you can't imagine what happens when I play "Tusk" ;) MWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!

How's it goin' bud?

Joe :wavey:

Lori 04-14-2002 11:58 PM

Re: Love songs?!

Originally posted by jwd
Ha Ha you can't imagine what happens when I play "Tusk" ;) MWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!

How's it goin' bud?

Well, whatever you do when you play "Tusk," I imagine that it is done "real savage-like!" ;) hehehehehehe

As to how it's going, weeellll.... In the past week, I've had my wisdom teeth extracted, gotten a full-blown sinus allergy attack (and my sinuses were already hurting because the upper wisdom teeth are right up against that area, which can cause sinus pain when they are extracted), AND a stomach virus (use your imagination). I can't get any rest because Mommies are on duty 24/7, so I've been feeling fairly miserable. Then to put the cherry on the sundae, Mike was laid off from his job on Thursday morning (nothing to do with his performance - the company had a bad 1st quarter AND did not get the contract with MicroSoft that they were expecting). So basically, I am sick, tired, and will quite possibly be poor as well if Mike doesn't find another job toot sweet. Aren't you glad you asked? ;)

BUT I don't like to complain...other than my little aches and pains of the week, no one here is truly ill or dying, the kids are healthy as horses, really, and we all still have a roof over our heads and food on our plates and love each other, so I know things could be FAR worse. I'm thankful for what I have.

I am very glad to get to say Hello to you, though! I haven't been posting much and was missing some of my buddies! To eliminate any more "chit chat" on this board, feel free to email or pm me and fill me in on how YOU have been, okay?

Take care, my buddy!

Lori :wavey:

The Tower 04-18-2002 12:06 PM

I loooovve "Why"!

"Bare Trees" is the BEST pre B/N album by FM. I listen to that sucker all the time.

I think the Peter Green era is way overrated in comparison to the "20 million line-ups" era. Maybe all that craziness was good fodder for good music.

chiliD 04-18-2002 12:53 PM

Me thinks, you just haven't listened to ENOUGH of the Peter Green era! :laugh: :nod:


My only complaint about "Bare Trees" (well, besides Mrs. Scarrot, bless her heart) is that the running time of the album (and ESPECIALLY the CD) is WAY TOO SHORT!

Along with a few other folks I've talked to, I'd like to see Rhino remaster & repackage the pre-1975 Fleetwood Mac catalogue. If they can do masterful jobs with Elvis Costello's material, just think what they could do with our beloved Mac?

The Tower 04-18-2002 12:56 PM

Yeah, I have.... I guess my point is that the Peter Green era gets so much more "props" than 1970 - 1974.

Don't get me wrong- I love "Green Manalishi" and others.

That blob dude is freaky.

chiliD 04-18-2002 01:04 PM

Have you heard the live stuff from 1970? (i.e., Boston Tea Party stuff, either of the Vaudeville Years packages?)

I think their strength was their live show.

After 30+ years of listening to "Then Play On", then hearing the outtakes & live material from that era over the years..."Then Play On" does sound incomplete. Just like listening to the Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds", then listening to all the outtakes of the box set, making "Pet Sounds" (for all it's glory) seem incomplete. There was so much AWESOME stuff that was left OFF that it's mind boggling!!

Sure, I'd love to see the same "vault assault" of CD releases from the 1971-74 crews that has occurred with Peter's era! That would be awesome. I will agree that the "Future Games"/"Bare Trees" incarnation has been sadly ignored by the "powers-that-be" of the Fleetwood Mac power structure. If there ever was an incarnation of the Mac that NEEDS some delving into, that is definitely the one. :nod::nod:

Little Queenie 04-19-2002 02:31 AM

Maybe we should storm the offices at WB and demand they re-master the FM era of 1970-1974.
I love Future Games and Bare Trees. They are very underrated albums.

I love listening to the Peter Green era live stuff...awesome...too bad I can't jam like that!


chiliD 04-19-2002 10:37 AM

At this point, it wouldn't be WB that would be in charge of the remastering...Rhino (a subsidiary label) is the WB/Reprise/Elektra/Atlantic's "reissue" label. They've just got through a great run of reissuing Elvis Costello's catalogue, and if they can do that with HIS stuff, just imagine the great stuff they'd unearth with Fleetwood Mac!!! :nod:

Again, for the umpteenth time, is my "proposal" for the Mac's remastering project:

Then Play On-a 2 disc set: Disc 1, the album "as is", Disc 2, add "World In Harmony", "Green Manalishi", "Man Of The World" and the entire 1970 Jeremy Spencer companion album

Kiln House--add "Dragonfly & "Purple Dancer" as bonus tracks

Future Games--add "Trinity" & the alternate version of "Lay It All Down" as bonus tracks

Bare Trees--add bonus tracks!

Penguin---add bonus tracks!

Mystery To Me--reinstate "Good Things Come To Those Who Wait" and other bonus tracks

Heroes Are Hard To Find---add bonus tracks

Fleetwood Mac (aka “the white album”)--add the 45 mixes of "Over My Head", "Say You Love Me" & "Rhiannon" as bonus tracks

Rumours---make a stereo CD version of the DVD-Audio (minus interviews) (reinstating "Silver Springs")

Tusk---reinstate the LP mixes of "Sara" & "I Know I'm Not Wrong"

Live (1980)---make into a 3-disc set...discs 1 & 2 the album as is, disc 3 of more live material from the tour, ie "Angel", "What Makes You Think You're The One", "Think About Me", "You Make Loving Fun", "Sisters Of The Moon"

Mirage---add "Cool Water", "Goodbye Angel", "Teen Beat" as bonus tracks

Tango In The Night---release as 2 disc set, disc 1 album as is; disc 2, the 12" extended dance remixes of "Big Love", "Seven Wonders", "Little Lies", "Everywhere", "Family Man" AND the 45 B-Sides "Down Endless Street", "You & I, Part 1", "Ricky", "Book Of Miracles".

(Delete the "Greatest Hits" disc from the catalogue)

Behind The Mask---add "Lizard People", "No Questions Asked", "As Long As You Follow", "Paper Doll", & "Heart Of Stone" as bonus tracks)

Time--add “Soccer Rocks The Globe” version of “Blow By Blow”, "Love Shines" & "Make Me A Mask" as bonus tracks

The Dance---make into a two disc set including the tunes originally left off the CD

Release a new 4-disc live box:
Disc 1: Live material from 1971-1974
Disc 2: Live material from 1975-1978
Disc 3: Live material from 1982
Disc 4: Live material from 1987, 1990, & 1994/95

wetcamelfood 04-19-2002 01:44 PM

Yeah, I wrote to Mr. David Mclees at Rhino who is the Vice President of A&R (as this is who David May at Warners suggested I write to about this) and he basically said that as FM was still signed to WB that they couldn't touch the back catalog (in other words, in WB's mind, they think back catalog album's sales would cut in to the new albums sales). I would imagine this is the reason they have been "allowed" to remaster artists that were previously on Warners such as Elvis Costello, Bonnie Raitt among others. I had originally thought that reissues by other WEA related artists that were still with the label (such as CSN&Y, Genesis, Yes etc.) were done by Rhino but they still seem to be done by Atlantic so this would make sense. ChiliD and I have talked about this and have suggested to them that the catalog discs could be stealthily replaced with the newly upgraded versions (per ChiliD's above list) as WB/Reprise simultaneously stealthily deletes the current back catalog. Then, once the upcoming “new” album is released and the sales on that album start to dip (after a few months or so) at that time, they could do a healthy marketing push on the back catalog material that has already (at that point) been on the market (for however long). We figured that if their thoughts on this do start now, the plus of having the entire (or most of the entire) back catalog on the market before the “new” albums’ release being that the avid fans will notice the new versions of the catalog releases when going to purchase the “new” album and they will buy the new upgrades at that time and others who would be just discovering the band for the first time (or general casual fans) may delve into some of the catalog albums either at the same time of buying the “new” release or shortly thereafter due to the promotion put forth in respect of the upgrades. Mr. McLees informed me previously that “cost and profits are not the key issues" but surely in persuading the appropriate parties to join forces on this matter, this will undoubtedly be perceived as an added bonus if nothing else. As of yet, we have received no response from Rhino in regards to this suggestion. So maybe some of you might want to think about writing to David McLees as well but it will only mean something if these points are taken in to consideration when deciding what you wish the contents of your letter to include so that way, all of us are unanimus and it gives them "no excuse" if you know what I mean. Something to think over anyways. I have heard some rumors that FM is not with WB anymore and are trying to finalize a deal with another label (I think someone around these boards mentioned they heard Dreamworks may be a possible contender). Naturally, if this was the case, we could THEN get Rhino to release the WB back catalog right away as they would be "able" to then but I guess we'll have to wait and see what label the new Mac album will be released on first in that instance but it probably wouldn't hurt for some of you to write to McLees now anyways (making sure you use the appropriate "phrase-ology" (refer to above)) to at least show them the great interest that they need to be convinced that such re-releases would be, how should I put it... (since they don't seem to like the "cost and profits" words even though we know very well that they secretly DO care about such aspects of such a project) "worth their while".


GateandGarden 12-10-2004 12:26 AM

I'm going through old threads in this forum at the moment and I wanted to put in my vote for "Why." :thumbsup:


HomerMcvie 12-10-2004 03:43 AM

I now wish I could take back my vote, just to show my love for Bob. But, it's my job here, to hold Christine up to those other two, you know, uhhh, what's their names?! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bob and Chris are my favorite two Mac members ever! Damn that Weston, for not keeping it in his pants! Hey Weston, you'd be a MILLIONAIRE now, if you'd just had some control! Was it worth it? F*$king up the best incarnation of FM?
How much is trailer park rent? :lol: :sorry: :shocked:
It was superb. And wasted. :(

ThePenguin 12-10-2004 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie
Bob and Chris are my favorite two Mac members ever! Damn that Weston, for not keeping it in his pants! Hey Weston, you'd be a MILLIONAIRE now, if you'd just had some control! Was it worth it? F*$king up the best incarnation of FM?:(

"The most expensive affair I've ever had in me life." :p

I'm not sure if poor Bob can take all the blame for messing things up, there were a lot of 'issues'.....

Plus if he'd stayed, the band may have taken a totally different path. IMO There's a good chance none of them would be millionaires!


GateandGarden 12-10-2004 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by ThePenguin
Plus if he'd stayed, the band may have taken a totally different path. IMO There's a good chance none of them would be millionaires!


I've thought about that, too. Maybe they never would have been able to top or replicate Mystery to Me in any way. Maybe they were at their peak at that point. Even if Bob hadn't had the affair, wasn't Bob Welch going to leave the band anyway because he felt he couldn't do anything else with them, creatively speaking?


HomerMcvie 12-10-2004 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by GateandGarden
I've thought about that, too. Maybe they never would have been able to top or replicate Mystery to Me in any way. Maybe they were at their peak at that point. Even if Bob hadn't had the affair, wasn't Bob Welch going to leave the band anyway because he felt he couldn't do anything else with them, creatively speaking?


I'll bet if MTM had gotten wings, and the dough had started flowing in, I'll bet Bob would've stayed.

wondergirl9847 12-10-2004 02:11 PM

Changing my answer...
Wow, so my fave pre-Rumours song on 02-24-2002 was Hypnotized. Well, it's now been almost 3 years since I answered this poll..and my answer has changed. My fave pre-Rumours song is Woman of a 1000 Years. I've heard more albums since then, and at that particular time, I think I only had MTM. I think Bare Trees/Child of Mine run a close (tied for) second.

I wub Danny. :)

GateandGarden 12-10-2004 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie
I'll bet if MTM had gotten wings, and the dough had started flowing in, I'll bet Bob would've stayed.

Does that imply that Bob would do something he didn't particularly want to do just for the money?


GateandGarden 12-10-2004 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by wondergirl9847
Wow, so my fave pre-Rumours song on 02-24-2002 was Hypnotized. Well, it's now been almost 3 years since I answered this poll..and my answer has changed. My fave pre-Rumours song is Woman of a 1000 Years. I've heard more albums since then, and at that particular time, I think I only had MTM. I think Bare Trees/Child of Mine run a close (tied for) second.

I wub Danny. :)

Yeah, I thought about that when I brought this thread back up and I noticed the dates on it. I almost always have different favorite songs after three years or so. But I'll have to get back to y'all on "Why" in three years. I love that one so much that I can't imagine finding a pre-BN FM song that I really love more. But I guess we'll see.


ThePenguin 12-10-2004 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by GateandGarden
Does that imply that Bob would do something he didn't particularly want to do just for the money?


Maybe just that he would've had a more tangible appreciation for all his hard work....?

Plus I think the legal battles really drained Bob. If Weston hadn't left and the tour was not cancelled....there would not have been a legal battle.


jbrownsjr 12-10-2004 04:21 PM

WHY :cool:

macfan 57 12-10-2004 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by ThePenguin

Plus I think the legal battles really drained Bob. If Weston hadn't left and the tour was not cancelled....there would not have been a legal battle.


I agree. He was managing the band(fighting the legal troubles), plus he was writing about 2/3 of the material for the albums. He just got burned out. But, Bob Weston started the whole thing with his affair with Mick's wife. That sort of got the whole mess started.

I doubt that the MTM lineup would have had the massive success that Rumours brought. But, I think they could have been successful on a smaller scale.

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