The Ledge

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-   -   Seven wonders has lost it (

TruckerMike 06-26-2007 02:38 AM

Seven wonders has lost it
this morning while I was driving down the road when I recieved a phone call. This call was from a friend who let me know I was banned. ok I can live with this if I was banned for a reason. Perhaps I posted something way over the line but no, it was because I went to another forum with a bunch of friends. We were all banned. I know many here are also members of sevenwonders so you might wonder where we are. why were we banned and I know the "wizard" has not the balls to be honest that he banned us because we started a forum of chit chat, which he had removed from his site. He claims he would ban peple if they attack a Moderator yet he allowed a mod to be verbally assaulted by a member. Was the member banned, no instead Chit chat was closed and when we started our own forum to chit chat, Brian aka the wizard blow a head gasket and bans everyone who was over there. We were banned because of a friendship we all made. A friendship that was started because of a comman intrest in Stevie and FM. Even after the chit chat was removed, we still posted. I even became a forum leader that lasted till this morning. So for all those here who also post in Seven wonders I say Beware. I really think Brian has lost it
Trucker Mike

Ghost_Tracker 06-26-2007 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by TruckerMike (Post 699046)
this morning while I was driving down the road when I recieved a phone call. This call was from a friend who let me know I was banned. ok I can live with this if I was banned for a reason. Perhaps I posted something way over the line but no, it was because I went to another forum with a bunch of friends. We were all banned. I know many here are also members of sevenwonders so you might wonder where we are. why were we banned and I know the "wizard" has not the balls to be honest that he banned us because we started a forum of chit chat, which he had removed from his site. He claims he would ban peple if they attack a Moderator yet he allowed a mod to be verbally assaulted by a member. Was the member banned, no instead Chit chat was closed and when we started our own forum to chit chat, Brian aka the wizard blow a head gasket and bans everyone who was over there. We were banned because of a friendship we all made. A friendship that was started because of a comman intrest in Stevie and FM. Even after the chit chat was removed, we still posted. I even became a forum leader that lasted till this morning. So for all those here who also post in Seven wonders I say Beware. I really think Brian has lost it
Trucker Mike

Mike - Was this chit-chat a thread that you guys created in seven wonders itself, or on a completely unrelated board? I really need to know because - - - well, for reasons that I think should be obvious. You wouldn't believe who's been banned, or how many people. I swear to god this looks exactly like a witch hunt and it's following the same patterns. Did you see the movie with Winona Ryder? It's looking exactly like that. I started seeing some warning signals months ago. It started out slowly and seemingly innocently.
Can you come on into Nicksfix chat sometime? I'd love to talk with you about it there. I need to get as much information as possible about what's really going down here.
By the way at least one of the MODERATORS have been banned and they've selected several "replacements."

P.S. - One thing that's amazing is that this is antithetical to everything Stevie stands for. She'd have some opinions about this, believe me.

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 05:24 AM

I wondered what the heck had happened over there. It looks like half the board has been banned! And people that have been there right form the start! Because you started a chit chat forum?? What is the problem with doing that?? (and where is this forum btw ;) )

GypsyBabe 06-26-2007 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker (Post 699049)
Mike - Was this chit-chat a thread that you guys created in seven wonders itself, or on a completely unrelated board? I really need to know because - - - well, for reasons that I think should be obvious. You wouldn't believe who's been banned, or how many people. I swear to god this looks exactly like a witch hunt and it's following the same patterns. Did you see the movie with Winona Ryder? It's looking exactly like that. I started seeing some warning signals months ago. It started out slowly and seemingly innocently.
Can you come on into Nicksfix chat sometime? I'd love to talk with you about it there. I need to get as much information as possible about what's really going down here.
By the way at least one of the MODERATORS have been banned and they've selected several "replacements."

P.S. - One thing that's amazing is that this is antithetical to everything Stevie stands for. She'd have some opinions about this, believe me.

It was a completely unrelated board that we just used as a place to chit chat while the chit chat forum is down! I cant believe that I have been banned...I have never done anything wrong, and have done nothing but contribute for the last two years! Where were the three strikes! I am so furious and sad. This sucks. Half the members are banned...:(

GypsyBabe 06-26-2007 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Gypsy-Rhiannon (Post 699052)
I wondered what the heck had happened over there. It looks like half the board has been banned! And people that have been there right form the start! Because you started a chit chat forum?? What is the problem with doing that?? (and where is this forum btw ;) )

I know!

I'll send you a link...;)

GODDESS6 06-26-2007 06:33 AM

i have to say whilst i can't comment on this exact issue, i have had nothing but trouble over there myself~ for some reason a bunch of them must think i am someone else or associate my name w/ someone they have had a problem w/ in the past:shrug: , i can look over there, which i do look at the images & stevie part of it, that is all i can do & wizard too has harrassed me over her at the ledge thru pm, claiming that i am someone else & was in cahoots w/ people over there that i don't think i have ever spoke too, the only thing i could think of why he would hate is cuz i did pm him on some rare photos that i posted over there & another 7Wonderer (who shall remain nameless) took the scans & made copies to sell on ebay & blatantly spoke of it~ it's funny too cuz these same people that are horrible to me on 7W are nice to me everywhere else in stevie circles, i was invited to join over there when it 1st started up & the ledge was down & it all seemed like a place us ledgies could go when the ledge was getting maintanenced & such~ i finally just gave up caring:shrug: ~ & stay over where i feel much more accepted~

Musicman408 06-26-2007 06:57 AM

Mike, and all of you for that matter, I am really sorry to hear about this. I know what it is like to get banned without even recieving strikes. They claim to have a three strikes system, but when they feel like banning you, they have no problems just doing it.

While I was there, yes I was loud and occasionally did things that really weren't proper etiquette, but I never broke three rules, and never got strikes. All of a sudden one day... POOF!!!

I wouldn't even worry about it, for real. I know it is kind of shocking at first, but you'll soon discover that the Ledge is much better and there is so less drama over here. So to those of you who have been banned, please start posting here regularly. :nod:

It's sad that they are striking down people who have been so loyal to their website, but at this point, what can you do. I don't want to sound like I have a big head, but I knew when they banned me that things were only going to start going downhill with the banning stuff.

SO anyway you all, take this into consideration, will ya?

WildInTheWind 06-26-2007 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Gypsy-Rhiannon (Post 699052)
I wondered what the heck had happened over there. It looks like half the board has been banned! And people that have been there right form the start! Because you started a chit chat forum?? What is the problem with doing that?? (and where is this forum btw ;) )

Pip email me if you want to register. I had to close registrations last night because of ahem....trolls. :rolleyes:

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by WildInTheWind (Post 699070)
Pip email me if you want to register. I had to close registrations last night because of ahem....trolls. :rolleyes:

LOL! Will do :thumbsup:

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 08:02 AM

I just find this all so hypocritical. I mean 7 Wonders was started when this board was down so I don't see how it would be a problem for people from over there to start a chit chat forum when there isn't one on 7 wonders?! It's not as if people can chat by PM over there as most people don't have that facility. It all seems very bizarre...It certainly surprised me when I saw some of the names of people who have been banned.

danax6 06-26-2007 08:26 AM

^Word, Pip. But I have to say it doesn't surprise me. I predicted this a long time ago. There comes a time when people just get fed up and move elsewhere.

ryan8472 06-26-2007 08:29 AM

I love how the "Wizard" formed 7W as a backup forum for The Ledge, and then tried to deny it. In the first few weeks of its existence it was called "The Ledge 2." :lol: It's quite obvious now that the guy has no brains in his head, after all these bannings.

JazmenFlowers 06-26-2007 08:32 AM

damn. I'm just confused...and sad, but mostly confused.

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 08:55 AM

'Apparently there will be an explanation thread over there 'very soon'!

HejiraNYC 06-26-2007 08:56 AM

My $0.02...
I don't want to dump on the guy, because Brian was a cool kid to hang out with (in person), and he had the courage and initiative to go his own way... but I have to agree that none of this surprises me. What probably started off as something kinda fun and interesting seems to have snowballed into an all-encompassing serious obsession with him. There's no joking around anymore- Some months ago he PM'd me (on the Ledge) with this angry, run-on diatribe in response to some lighthearted, indirect dig I made about "the other board," which was totally done in jest, and I could only feel sadness that this dark side of his personality was surfacing. He's a very sensitive guy, and I know that he had some family issues growing up, so I suspect he probably has some abandonment issues. It's just sad, really.

He's young, smart (if not a little eccentric) and hopefully will realize how this is all being perceived, even if it means he burns every bridge in the process. I would cut the kid some slack... he will come around eventually.

kathy1 06-26-2007 09:05 AM

hi don't you think that you could be apart of as many boards as you want to. i don't think that it should matter . kathy:angel:

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by kathy1 (Post 699091)
hi don't you think that you could be apart of as many boards as you want to. i don't think that it should matter . kathy:angel:

It shouldn't matter Kathy. I know I'm on a few boards.

kathy1 06-26-2007 09:12 AM

i just hope that he lets everybody come back especially barbara i miss talking to her. kathy

sara1998 06-26-2007 09:20 AM

7W was formed as a direct result of the Ledge going down. I remember it very well. I went over there a few times, but I never liked it much, so I never went back. Seeing that there is nonsurprising drama over there, I'm glad I was never a long standing member.

KarmaContestant 06-26-2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by JazmenFlowers (Post 699084)
damn. I'm just confused...and sad, but mostly confused.

Me too. Most of my favorite members were banned. 39 in all - woosh - just gone like that. :distress: The majority of those who were banned are the people who make the board lively and fun and keep me coming back every day.

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by ryan8472 (Post 699082)
I love how the "Wizard" formed 7W as a backup forum for The Ledge, and then tried to deny it. In the first few weeks of its existence it was called "The Ledge 2." :lol: It's quite obvious now that the guy has no brains in his head, after all these bannings.

Er... I think you just got banned over there!

ryan8472 06-26-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Gypsy-Rhiannon (Post 699099)
Er... I think you just got banned over there!



ryan8472 06-26-2007 09:40 AM

Hey Pip, tell that kid to watch out. He might get is account baleeted too. :distress: :laugh:

sara1998 06-26-2007 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by ryan8472 (Post 699100)


haha.... don't cry.

BarbJRose@aol.c 06-26-2007 09:48 AM

Wait for the explanation
I see there is an "explanation" of the "good reason" 39 of us got banned from that site. I will see NO good reason posted there, as there is NONE.
It is a shame that what was once such a seemingly nice and fun place came to this, over joining another board.
It was always "The Ledge" that seems to be looked down upon when people would mention it (by that, I mean frowned upon by the board owner over there), now that same board owner is making sure it will be "7 Wonders" that has the tainted reputation, and people leaving to go elsewhere, or just leaving because it is no FUN anymore.

I don't post much here, but just wanted to post a little bit in this thread, and say HI to all the 7W members who won't see me there anymore.

Beyond ABSURD.


estranged4life 06-26-2007 09:59 AM

I also remember the short lived monicker "The Ledge 2" when the original Ledge was offline for maintenance. I even volunteered to be a mod (Which I was) on the "Trade" board and another I cannot recall at this moment (Maybe the music chit chat or whatever it is called)

I didnt stay long since I remember some behind the scene BS involving "Wizard" and others on the board, it was as if Brian denied he was the "Wizard" but maintained a different acct. name and talked to "Wizard" as if this was indeed a differenmt person. Seemed like a strange ego/power trip to me, so one night I PM'd the "Wizard" announcing my resignation as a mod and proceeded to delete my acct.

carrie721 06-26-2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker (Post 699049)
P.S. - One thing that's amazing is that this is antithetical to everything Stevie stands for. She'd have some opinions about this, believe me.

stevie wouldn't give a ****. she hates the internet and probably thinks we're all retards for posting on the boards.


Originally Posted by Musicman408 (Post 699067)
I don't want to sound like I have a big head, but I knew when they banned me that things were only going to start going downhill with the banning stuff.

plz. get real. :laugh: :laugh:

7w is so much better than the ledge, isn't it? everyone over there is so nice to each other and there's never any drama!! :lol:

at the rate things are going that'll probably get me banned over there too.

BarbJRose@aol.c 06-26-2007 10:03 AM

Stevie does hate the Internet, and you are absolutely right!
I hope you don't get banned too (if you care? LOL).


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 699108)
stevie wouldn't give a ****. she hates the internet and probably thinks we're all retards for posting on the boards.

plz. get real. :laugh: :laugh:

7w is so much better than the ledge, isn't it? everyone over there is so nice to each other and there's never any drama!! :lol:

at the rate things are going that'll probably get me banned over there too.

SortaSavageLike 06-26-2007 10:07 AM

I just submitted this to the Enchanted list:

First of all, let me apologize for the profanity.

Last night a whole bunch of people were banned from Seven Wonders for committing the horrible crime of being "in violation of their zero-tolerance policy (being a member of an Anti-Seven Wonders message board)." This is a nice way of saying they're banning everyone their who also happens to post on the Ledge. They even disbanded all of their moderators. I haven't been banned yet, but I imagine my time is coming pretty soon.

This is absolutely asinine. Some of the members who were banned had thousands of posts under their belt, were completely benign, and some of the nicest people I've ever known on the internet. I'm not exactly certain what kind of stick got up the administrator's ass, but I don't want to be a part of it anymore.


Sidenote: I hope you people enjoy my company, because you'll probably be hearing from me a LOT more pretty soon...:rolleyes:

BarbJRose@aol.c 06-26-2007 10:11 AM

Hi Daryl!
You will probably be banned after that, and posting that here.
Welcome to the banned from 7W world! :blob1:
Glad you posted it.
The whole thing is so absurd.


Originally Posted by SortaSavageLike (Post 699111)
I just submitted this to the Enchanted list:

First of all, let me apologize for the profanity.

Last night a whole bunch of people were banned from Seven Wonders for committing the horrible crime of being "in violation of their zero-tolerance policy (being a member of an Anti-Seven Wonders message board)." This is a nice way of saying they're banning everyone their who also happens to post on the Ledge. They even disbanded all of their moderators. I haven't been banned yet, but I imagine my time is coming pretty soon.

This is absolutely asinine. Some of the members who were banned had thousands of posts under their belt, were completely benign, and some of the nicest people I've ever known on the internet. I'm not exactly certain what kind of stick got up the administrator's ass, but I don't want to be a part of it anymore.


Sidenote: I hope you people enjoy my company, because you'll probably be hearing from me a LOT more pretty soon...:rolleyes:

SortaSavageLike 06-26-2007 10:25 AM

I've just signed my own death warrant! :laugh:


Come one! Come all! Come to The Ledge, at! Within a couple of weeks of registering, you'll be a member of the largest Fleetwood Mac fan board on the internet! You won't get banned for being a member of another board, other members will actually engage you in spirited debate, and if anyone annoys you you can just add them to your ignore list! Oh, and don't forget to bring your photos and scans with you. There's a bit of a photo-fabulousness gap , if you know what I mean. Heh-Heh!
Now, if I could just cash in those 557 spare karma points...:lol:

JazmenFlowers 06-26-2007 10:25 AM

my question is, since this other "other" board was just for fun and to talk amongst friends and not Stevie/FMac related (as I understand it) how did anyone know who to ban and why would it be assumed it was anti-7W? I mean, did someone send a list and say these people started another board?

danax6 06-26-2007 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 699108)
stevie wouldn't give a ****. she hates the internet and probably thinks we're all retards for posting on the boards.



at the rate things are going that'll probably get me banned over there too.
That is apparantly the modus operandi.

JazmenFlowers 06-26-2007 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 699108)
stevie wouldn't give a ****. she hates the internet and probably thinks we're all retards for posting on the boards.

besides, she's too busy trying to decide which song to drop next. :wavey:

carrie721 06-26-2007 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by danax6 (Post 699120)

That is apparantly the modus operandi.

i'm sorry, i'm going to have to enact a citizen banning for that comment. i'll hold you in custody until a 7w moderator (if there are any left) is alerted to the situation.


Originally Posted by JazmenFlowers (Post 699121)
besides, she's too busy trying to decide which song to drop next. :wavey:

:laugh: i love you! :xoxo:

BarbJRose@aol.c 06-26-2007 10:30 AM

We don't know exactly how "The Wizard" found out...he somehow got on the board and saw the names (we signed up as our usual names, as no one was trying to hide identities or anything silly) and next I know, we were all banned!
We thought there may have been a mole, or he was reading everyone's PMs on the 7W board, who knows???
xoxo Barbara


Originally Posted by JazmenFlowers (Post 699118)
my question is, since this other "other" board was just for fun and to talk amongst friends and not Stevie/FMac related (as I understand it) how did anyone know who to ban and why would it be assumed it was anti-7W? I mean, did someone send a list and say these people started another board?

JazmenFlowers 06-26-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by SortaSavageLike (Post 699117)
I've just signed my own death warrant! :laugh:

Now, if I could just cash in those 557 spare karma points...:lol:

damn you. :mad: :lol:

Originally Posted by BarbJRose@aol.c (Post 699124)
We don't know exactly how "The Wizard" found out...he somehow got on the board and saw the names (we signed up as our usual names, as no one was trying to hide identities or anything silly) and next I know, we were all banned!
We thought there may have been a mole, or he was reading everyone's PMs on the 7W board, who knows???
xoxo Barbara

oh, well ****.

next time, talk to me first. :laugh:

BarbJRose@aol.c 06-26-2007 10:34 AM

LOL, ok, will do.
Saw your post to him to read his PMs/Emails.
Let me know how that goes, and you are always welcome..
to the other side of the mirror...

xoxox Love, Barbara


Originally Posted by JazmenFlowers (Post 699125)
damn you. :mad: :lol:

oh, well ****.

next time, talk to me first. :laugh:

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by BarbJRose@aol.c (Post 699124)
We don't know exactly how "The Wizard" found out...he somehow got on the board and saw the names (we signed up as our usual names, as no one was trying to hide identities or anything silly) and next I know, we were all banned!
We thought there may have been a mole, or he was reading everyone's PMs on the 7W board, who knows???
xoxo Barbara

Does he have access to people's pm's??

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2007 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by estranged4life (Post 699107)
I didnt stay long since I remember some behind the scene BS involving "Wizard" and others on the board, it was as if Brian denied he was the "Wizard" but maintained a different acct. name and talked to "Wizard" as if this was indeed a differenmt person. Seemed like a strange ego/power trip to me, so one night I PM'd the "Wizard" announcing my resignation as a mod and proceeded to delete my acct.

Power trip pretty much sums it all up I think :xoxo:

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