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michelej1 06-11-2012 12:41 AM

Curse of Fleetwood Mac (Daily Mail UK)
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Psychosis, sex cults, suicide and the curse of Fleetwood Mac guitarists
By Tom Leonard, 10 June 2012

An autumn night in 1972, and minutes before Fleetwood Mac are due on stage for the latest gig of their U.S. tour, a drama is unfolding in their dressing room.
Danny Kirwan, talented guitarist and the glamour boy of the band, is drunk. At just 22, he is an alcoholic who goes for days without food, existing only on beer.
Increasingly mentally fragile, he suddenly loses his temper over the simple process of tuning a guitar. Banging the wall with his fists, he hurls his expensive Gibson Les Paul instrument at a mirror, showering broken glass over his bandmates.

He then stomps off into the auditorium, pausing only to smash his head against a wall until blood pours from his face. Refusing to come on stage, he spends the show heckling the band from the audience as they struggle to play without him.
Perhaps it’s not surprising to learn that after he was swiftly sacked, Kirwan developed mental health problems as the effect of drink and drug abuse caught up with him. He even ended up living homeless on the streets of London.
But if Danny Kirwan’s story is a salutary warning of the excesses of rock and roll, he was certainly not the only member of Fleetwood Mac to suffer bizarre breakdowns or personal tragedy.

Now, yet another former guitarist with the group has succumbed to what many people regard as something of a hoodoo.

Last week, Bob Welch, 66, was found dead by his wife after writing a suicide note and shooting himself in the chest.

According to one source, Welch — who lived in Nashville, Tennessee — had spinal surgery three months ago.

Informed by his doctors that he would never recover the use of his legs, he told his wife Wendy he did not want her to have to care for an invalid.

It was a heartbreaking end for the soft-spoken Californian who years ago fell out with his old bandmates after he sued them over the rights to royalties — and was then excluded from Fleetwood Mac’s induction into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

The band’s singer Stevie Nicks said his death was ‘devastating’, hailing ‘an amazing guitar player, he was funny, sweet and he was smart’. She was, she added: ‘So very sorry for his family and for the family of Fleetwood Mac — so, so sad.’

Sad for sure, but Welch’s tragic end could not be called entirely unexpected given that — even by the standards of rock bands — the Fleetwood Mac ‘family’ is as turbulent and dysfunctional as they come.

The long-lasting British-American group may be remembered for such hits as Don’t Stop, Little Lies and Go Your Own Way, but in terms of drug-bingeing, partner-swapping, back-stabbing drama, it made the Rolling Stones look like a village fete brass band.

And perhaps no job in rock has proved so ill-starred as being a Fleetwood Mac guitarist. Welch was the second of them to die this year.

Bob Weston died in London in January from a haemorrhage aged just 64. He was found in bed with the TV on at his flat in Brent Cross, North London. Friends had called police after not being able to contact him for several days.

What current frontman Lindsey Buckingham recently dubbed ‘The Curse of the Fleetwood Mac guitarists' started back in the late sixties.

Guitar hero Peter Green founded Fleetwood Mac as a blues band in London in 1967. Colleagues noticed that by the time they released their fourth album in 1969, he was going off the rails mentally.

After taking large amounts of the hallucinogenic drug LSD, he grew a beard, began to wear robes and a crucifix and told the band’s manager he was Jesus.

He became obsessed by the supposed immorality of them becoming rich and wanted to give the band’s earnings away. The others could not believe he was serious.

Touring Europe in March 1970, Green binged on dangerously impure LSD at a party thrown by a bunch of rich Communists in a Munich commune. Friends said he was never the same again, transforming from mildly eccentric to fully-fledged basket case.

Green, who said he’d had a vision at the party in which he saw an angel holding a starving child, left the band two months later, complaining drummer Mick Fleetwood had refused his request that they donate all their royalties to charity.

He was later diagnosed with schizophrenia. Green spent time in various psychiatric hospitals in the 1970s undergoing electroconvulsive therapy, and his friends were shocked to find him in an almost continual trance.

The man who had been hailed as one of the finest blues guitarists of his generation fell into destitution, having to find work as a hospital porter and even a gravedigger.
Much of his financial troubles were self-inflicted. In 1977, police surrounded his house and he was arrested for threatening the band’s accountant, David Simmons, with a shotgun. Bizarrely, Green said he was furious because Simmons was still sending him royalty cheques.

Mick Fleetwood used to visit Green regularly, but eventually gave up. ‘I was just so sad I couldn’t wave a magic wand and have him be the person I wanted him to be . . . he was very sick,’ he said.

Green managed some sort of recovery after he moved in with his mother in Great Yarmouth and even managed to resurrect his musical career in 1995 with a band called The Splinter Group. But he will always be remembered as one of the great Sixties musical talents cut off in his prime by drugs.

Slide guitarist Jeremy Spencer, one of the Fleetwood Mac’s original members, was notoriously wild on stage, imitating Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly. Offstage, he couldn’t have been more different, a closet religious fanatic who sneaked away from the rest of the band on tour to read from one of the small Bibles he hid in the linings of his jackets.

Former band members say Spencer, too, had a bad trip — in his case on the mind-altering drug mescaline — during a 1971 tour of the U.S. After an earthquake hit Los Angeles, he had a premonition that something bad would happen there. It did — for Fleetwood Mac.

Spencer told Mick Fleetwood he was popping out to Hollywood Boulevard to buy a magazine. He never came back.

Days later, his frantic fellow band members discovered he had joined the Children of God, a sinister cult which used sex to ‘show God’s love’ and win converts. Spencer refused to rejoin the band.

He later explained he had been approached in the street by a Children of God member named Apollos, got chatting about religion and was invited to visit a nearby ‘church mission’. He still works for the organisation, now called The Family International, writing and illustrating stories.

Then there was Kirwan, a talented if humourless musician who was so emotional he would cry as he played. Landed with much of the songwriting duties after Spencer vanished, he was soon out of control, struggling to handle fame and gradually unravelling — as the story of the smashed guitar illustrates all too well.

And what of the tragic Bob Welch, who took his life last week? A young hippy whose father was a successful Hollywood producer, he joined the band after Jeremy Spencer joined the Children of God.

Mick Fleetwood credited Welch with saving the group — a sane and good-humoured presence who kept spirits up in those dark years.

Sadly for him, he left the band in 1974 just before Fleetwood Mac recruited Nicks and Buckingham, and made Rumours — which until Michael Jackson’s Thriller was the best-selling album of all time.

Before his departure, though, yet another guitarist sparked a drama that threatened to tear the band apart. Plymouth-born Bob Weston was revealed to be having an affair with Mick’s wife, Jenny Boyd — sister of Pattie Boyd, the former wife of both George Harrison and Eric Clapton.

Devastated, Fleetwood sacked Weston and the band cancelled a planned tour of America.

Determined to recoup some of his financial losses, manager Clifford Davis launched one of the most bizarre stunts in the history of rock. Without telling the band, he formed a ‘new’ Fleetwood Mac — none of whom had ever played in the group — and packed them off to play the U.S. dates.

In the ensuing legal battle over ownership of the band’s name, neither the real nor the fake Fleetwood Mac were able to play. Bob Welch put up with the madness for another year before he left and launched a moderately successful solo career.

Today, after going through a staggering 15 different personnel line-ups, Fleetwood Mac still reunites for occasional project.

As for the curse on their guitarists, Buckingham is still going strong, somehow avoiding ever becoming a deranged alcoholic, drug-addled schizophrenic or Bible‑carrying cult member.

In his last interview, Welch mused that he, at least, had found happiness in Fleetwood Mac. ‘I just wanted to play guitar in a good band,’ he said.
For several of his old bandmates, it wasn’t quite such a great career move.

iamnotafraid 06-11-2012 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1053963)

Determined to recoup some of his financial losses, manager Clifford Davis launched one of the most bizarre stunts in the history of rock. Without telling the band, he formed a ‘new’ Fleetwood Mac — none of whom had ever played in the group — and packed them off to play the U.S. dates.

Has anyone ever seen video of the fake Mac?

jeremy spencer 06-11-2012 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1053963)
Read more:

Psychosis, sex cults, suicide and the curse of Fleetwood Mac guitarists
By Tom Leonard, 10 June 2012

An autumn night in 1972, and minutes before Fleetwood Mac are due on stage for the latest gig of their U.S. tour, a drama is unfolding in their dressing room.
Danny Kirwan, talented guitarist and the glamour boy of the band, is drunk. At just 22, he is an alcoholic who goes for days without food, existing only on beer.
Increasingly mentally fragile, he suddenly loses his temper over the simple process of tuning a guitar. Banging the wall with his fists, he hurls his expensive Gibson Les Paul instrument at a mirror, showering broken glass over his bandmates.

He then stomps off into the auditorium, pausing only to smash his head against a wall until blood pours from his face. Refusing to come on stage, he spends the show heckling the band from the audience as they struggle to play without him.
Perhaps it’s not surprising to learn that after he was swiftly sacked, Kirwan developed mental health problems as the effect of drink and drug abuse caught up with him. He even ended up living homeless on the streets of London.
But if Danny Kirwan’s story is a salutary warning of the excesses of rock and roll, he was certainly not the only member of Fleetwood Mac to suffer bizarre breakdowns or personal tragedy.

Now, yet another former guitarist with the group has succumbed to what many people regard as something of a hoodoo.

Last week, Bob Welch, 66, was found dead by his wife after writing a suicide note and shooting himself in the chest.

According to one source, Welch — who lived in Nashville, Tennessee — had spinal surgery three months ago.

Informed by his doctors that he would never recover the use of his legs, he told his wife Wendy he did not want her to have to care for an invalid.

It was a heartbreaking end for the soft-spoken Californian who years ago fell out with his old bandmates after he sued them over the rights to royalties — and was then excluded from Fleetwood Mac’s induction into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

The band’s singer Stevie Nicks said his death was ‘devastating’, hailing ‘an amazing guitar player, he was funny, sweet and he was smart’. She was, she added: ‘So very sorry for his family and for the family of Fleetwood Mac — so, so sad.’

Sad for sure, but Welch’s tragic end could not be called entirely unexpected given that — even by the standards of rock bands — the Fleetwood Mac ‘family’ is as turbulent and dysfunctional as they come.

The long-lasting British-American group may be remembered for such hits as Don’t Stop, Little Lies and Go Your Own Way, but in terms of drug-bingeing, partner-swapping, back-stabbing drama, it made the Rolling Stones look like a village fete brass band.

And perhaps no job in rock has proved so ill-starred as being a Fleetwood Mac guitarist. Welch was the second of them to die this year.

Bob Weston died in London in January from a haemorrhage aged just 64. He was found in bed with the TV on at his flat in Brent Cross, North London. Friends had called police after not being able to contact him for several days.

What current frontman Lindsey Buckingham recently dubbed ‘The Curse of the Fleetwood Mac guitarists' started back in the late sixties.

Guitar hero Peter Green founded Fleetwood Mac as a blues band in London in 1967. Colleagues noticed that by the time they released their fourth album in 1969, he was going off the rails mentally.

After taking large amounts of the hallucinogenic drug LSD, he grew a beard, began to wear robes and a crucifix and told the band’s manager he was Jesus.

He became obsessed by the supposed immorality of them becoming rich and wanted to give the band’s earnings away. The others could not believe he was serious.

Touring Europe in March 1970, Green binged on dangerously impure LSD at a party thrown by a bunch of rich Communists in a Munich commune. Friends said he was never the same again, transforming from mildly eccentric to fully-fledged basket case.

Green, who said he’d had a vision at the party in which he saw an angel holding a starving child, left the band two months later, complaining drummer Mick Fleetwood had refused his request that they donate all their royalties to charity.

He was later diagnosed with schizophrenia. Green spent time in various psychiatric hospitals in the 1970s undergoing electroconvulsive therapy, and his friends were shocked to find him in an almost continual trance.

The man who had been hailed as one of the finest blues guitarists of his generation fell into destitution, having to find work as a hospital porter and even a gravedigger.
Much of his financial troubles were self-inflicted. In 1977, police surrounded his house and he was arrested for threatening the band’s accountant, David Simmons, with a shotgun. Bizarrely, Green said he was furious because Simmons was still sending him royalty cheques.

Mick Fleetwood used to visit Green regularly, but eventually gave up. ‘I was just so sad I couldn’t wave a magic wand and have him be the person I wanted him to be . . . he was very sick,’ he said.

Green managed some sort of recovery after he moved in with his mother in Great Yarmouth and even managed to resurrect his musical career in 1995 with a band called The Splinter Group. But he will always be remembered as one of the great Sixties musical talents cut off in his prime by drugs.

Slide guitarist Jeremy Spencer, one of the Fleetwood Mac’s original members, was notoriously wild on stage, imitating Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly. Offstage, he couldn’t have been more different, a closet religious fanatic who sneaked away from the rest of the band on tour to read from one of the small Bibles he hid in the linings of his jackets.

Former band members say Spencer, too, had a bad trip — in his case on the mind-altering drug mescaline — during a 1971 tour of the U.S. After an earthquake hit Los Angeles, he had a premonition that something bad would happen there. It did — for Fleetwood Mac.

Spencer told Mick Fleetwood he was popping out to Hollywood Boulevard to buy a magazine. He never came back.

Days later, his frantic fellow band members discovered he had joined the Children of God, a sinister cult which used sex to ‘show God’s love’ and win converts. Spencer refused to rejoin the band.

He later explained he had been approached in the street by a Children of God member named Apollos, got chatting about religion and was invited to visit a nearby ‘church mission’. He still works for the organisation, now called The Family International, writing and illustrating stories.

Then there was Kirwan, a talented if humourless musician who was so emotional he would cry as he played. Landed with much of the songwriting duties after Spencer vanished, he was soon out of control, struggling to handle fame and gradually unravelling — as the story of the smashed guitar illustrates all too well.

And what of the tragic Bob Welch, who took his life last week? A young hippy whose father was a successful Hollywood producer, he joined the band after Jeremy Spencer joined the Children of God.

Mick Fleetwood credited Welch with saving the group — a sane and good-humoured presence who kept spirits up in those dark years.

Sadly for him, he left the band in 1974 just before Fleetwood Mac recruited Nicks and Buckingham, and made Rumours — which until Michael Jackson’s Thriller was the best-selling album of all time.

Before his departure, though, yet another guitarist sparked a drama that threatened to tear the band apart. Plymouth-born Bob Weston was revealed to be having an affair with Mick’s wife, Jenny Boyd — sister of Pattie Boyd, the former wife of both George Harrison and Eric Clapton.

Devastated, Fleetwood sacked Weston and the band cancelled a planned tour of America.

Determined to recoup some of his financial losses, manager Clifford Davis launched one of the most bizarre stunts in the history of rock. Without telling the band, he formed a ‘new’ Fleetwood Mac — none of whom had ever played in the group — and packed them off to play the U.S. dates.

In the ensuing legal battle over ownership of the band’s name, neither the real nor the fake Fleetwood Mac were able to play. Bob Welch put up with the madness for another year before he left and launched a moderately successful solo career.

Today, after going through a staggering 15 different personnel line-ups, Fleetwood Mac still reunites for occasional project.

As for the curse on their guitarists, Buckingham is still going strong, somehow avoiding ever becoming a deranged alcoholic, drug-addled schizophrenic or Bible‑carrying cult member.

In his last interview, Welch mused that he, at least, had found happiness in Fleetwood Mac. ‘I just wanted to play guitar in a good band,’ he said.
For several of his old bandmates, it wasn’t quite such a great career move.

Typical British tabloid excrement, with kernels of truth floating in the same old allegations, exaggerations and lies. As someone said: 'Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story...'
After looking at it, touching it, sniffing it and tasting it, be thankful you didn't step in it.

Tango 06-11-2012 08:00 AM

Perhaps, Mr. Spencer, you're the only one singled out in this article that might have a voice left to talk about "the Fleetwood Mac curse" in any detail. Please feel free to give your view of all that was written since you were there and probably know most of the guitarists. Thank you for at least giving a reaction here. What you wrote, of course, makes us more curious.

bombaysaffires 06-11-2012 09:11 AM

Green, who said he’d had a vision at the party in which he saw an angel holding a starving child, left the band two months later, complaining drummer Mick Fleetwood had refused his request that they donate all their royalties to charity.

What struck me is that this is pretty much verbatim the imagery used by Stevie in the song You May Be The One, which is reportedly about Lindsey.

'You were an angel, and I was a starving child..."

David 06-11-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by jeremy spencer (Post 1053969)
Typical British tabloid excrement, with kernels of truth floating in the same old allegations, exaggerations and lies. As someone said: 'Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story...'

Jeremy, you're absolutely right about its being tabloid sleaze and crap.


Sad for sure, but Welch’s tragic end could not be called entirely unexpected given that — even by the standards of rock bands — the Fleetwood Mac ‘family’ is as turbulent and dysfunctional as they come.
What on earth does rock and roll excess have to do with Welch's suicide last week? Why discuss one in the same breath as the other? One story is a morality tale of sex, drugs, and rock & roll. The other was a very sad end to a purely medical crisis.

Another stupidity is the journalist's conclusion that Welch was left out of the RRHOF by the band as punishment for suing them. There are plenty of print interviews around of RRHOF committee members (like Robert Hilburn) explaining the decision (which was a committee decision, not a band decision—the band doesn't get to choose).

ButterCookie 06-11-2012 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by jeremy spencer (Post 1053969)
Typical British tabloid excrement, with kernels of truth floating in the same old allegations, exaggerations and lies. As someone said: 'Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story...'
After looking at it, touching it, sniffing it and tasting it, be thankful you didn't step in it.

The Daily Mail have an incredible talent for publishing dross that haslittle to no truth or substance behind it. A bunch of monkeys could write a better paper than the Mail.

Chris_Lover 06-11-2012 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by David (Post 1053979)
Jeremy, you're absolutely right about its being tabloid sleaze and crap.

What on earth does rock and roll excess have to do with Welch's suicide last week?

I agree with David and ButterCookie about The Daily Mail crap.
Anyway, the biggest problem for many 60's and 70's groups, for example Jefferson Airplane, was the wide spread of brain burning synthetic drugs such as LSD and cocaine. In show business were widely used, just think about the famous "blue velvet bag" that Fleetwood Mac had in the studio: they could snort cocaine whenever they felt tired and needed energy to play, rehearse and record continuously, without ever going to sleep.
It was really rare in those years to find a band whose members did not use drugs, simply because people didn't know the harmful and often deadly effects of these substances, especially in the long run. Everyone used it because it seemed the right thing to do and the only trick to find energy and play for hours.
We all know that Bob Welch snorted cocaine for a while, in a particularly difficult period of his life when he was depressed and without fame after leaving Fleetwood Mac; fortunately, like Stevie, he managed to win addiction and come out clean. They are smart people.
I don't know if we should talk about a "Curse of the Fleetwood Mac guitarists", maybe the truth is that some people have sought death, destruction and madness by their own hands. You can't blame someone else or the fate if you do anything to damage your health.
Death for Bob Welch was a different choice: he was healthy, going from being completely independent to depend on someone else while stuck on a wheelchair. He thought it was better to die than live like this, especially because he was still 65 years old. As a person who suffered and sometimes still suffers from depression and has considered suicide in the past, now I can say that of course I don't approve suicide as final option, but everyone is free to decide the "best" for their lives. I'm not one to judge. Apparently he assessed the situation before killing himself, especially thinking of his own wife and the burden that such a situation would create to her and his family.

michelle2677 06-11-2012 11:50 AM

not to say all things in wikipedia aren't true, but the exerts about danny kirwan are almost verbatim from wikipedia. now, i'm almost certain james wrote most of that :lol: but i bet if they used danny's they got the rest of the info for the other band members from the same place and that's just sh*tty journalism. who uses wikipedia for references?

Silver Springs 06-11-2012 12:14 PM

People still take the tabloids seriously? They're biased, gossip based and manipulative.

Chris_Lover 06-11-2012 12:39 PM

They're only interested in increase their profits selling more copies writing lies or inaccuracies about someone else's life and personal issues, it's a shame.

HomerMcvie 06-11-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Lover (Post 1054027)
They're only interested in increase their profits selling more copies writing lies or inaccuracies about someone else's life and personal issues, it's a shame.

The pathetic thing, is the people who purchase that crap, and even worse, believe it.

Chris_Lover 06-11-2012 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1054037)
The pathetic thing, is the people who purchase that crap, and even worse, believe it.

I agree with you, people have morbid curiosity...I don't know if this happens also in the U.S.A or UK, but for example here in Italy we have a lot of crap tv shows or magazines such as Novella 2000 or Eva 3000 full of stupid gossip about celebrity. This is the gossip country, and I hate it. It's a lacks of seriousness and respect for privacy.

Street_Dreamer 06-11-2012 02:26 PM

Dave Walker, Billy Burnette, Rick Vito and Dave Mason all seem to be doing okay these days.


Chris_Lover 06-11-2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Street_Dreamer (Post 1054061)
Dave Walker, Billy Burnette, Rick Vito and Dave Mason all seem to be doing okay these days.


Of course, and even if Billy underwent quintuple bypass surgery in 2009, he's doing very well. Anyone could have heart problems, even young people: unluckily it's a common disease these days. Too much pollution, junk food, stress, less movement and a more sedentary lifestyle. My dad had a heart attack and was only 45 years old: he didn't smoke and never used drugs in his whole life but was overweight. For Billy it must have been a stressful life, always on tour, infact he said that shortly after returning from a tour he felt short of breath and went to the hospital, where doctors quickly admitted him and performed open heart surgery.

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