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Old 01-30-2012, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by louielouie2000 View Post
Perhaps... but I think it's his bitterness with Fleetwood Mac which has always driven his solo career. It was the band's reaction against Tusk which largely pushed Lindsey's experimentations into a solo career (because they were no longer welcome within the band). The frustration with the band that lead him to abandon the group fueled the best album of his career: Out Of The Cradle. If Lindsey was always pleased with the band, he probably never would have made any solo albums at all. It's his frustration with Fleetwood Mac which seems to almost solely drive him as an artist. It's kinda interesting that that's what his muse is.
that's interesting twist you bring up... i agree with the bolded part of course, he said that himself many times - it's his stock answer about tusk, right before he launches into his small machine talk. but a producer credit for rumours (which one can think of more as a business-related thing) would have nothing to do with his post-tusk music-related frustrations. which really resulted in L&O and GI, not necessarily OOTC.

his leaving the band seemed to have more to do with the personal closures that he wanted, not necessarily musical frustrations. and i could argue that GOS1 would have probably been the best album of his career - but it was ruined by WBs asking him to take it apart to put parts on the FM album.

what i was originally trying to say is that i'm surprised he's bringing the producer non-credit now - and in response to a question about Rolling Stone magazine calling him a visionary. i don't know whether he's just taking shots at Mick or i should re-think what Not Too Late is really about.
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