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Old 09-09-2012, 07:42 PM
jetta07 jetta07 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Colorado
Posts: 66

The review seems a bit ridiculous IMO...two out of three of his major gripes had nothing whatsoever to do with LB, but with the venue and his perception that too many people in the audience were just there because they had received casino comps. Its one thing to comment on this observation, but it shouldn't be taken out on the performer. The Council Bluffs casino show was the complete opposite in regards to people taking photos, having drinks, and audience interaction. I was a bit peeved with a (obviously drunk) couple having a loud conversation right by the stage during SWS at the Des Moines show, but I wouldn't ding my rating of the show because of it.
I would have liked a longer set, but with the number of back to back shows I can understand why they are not 2 hrs (plus tickets for $30 is pretty cheap.)

Unrelated, but someone should also tell him that its 'a lot' not 'allot.'
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