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Old 10-16-2013, 08:14 PM
FierySequences FierySequences is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by KarmaContestant View Post
I actually *do* buy this one.

I hate to fly, but love to travel. If I have to fly, like I did to get to Milan a few years ago, I totally will - but this was a family vacation, and I certainly wasn't going to miss it. However, I hate flying enough that if my *job* required me to travel, I'd quit. No joke - I would find a new job. Airline tickets are overpriced, the seats suck, everyone is crowded, fellow passengers are jerks, people are stinky, rude, loud, will sneeze or cough right in your face, and have no respect for airline staff much less other passengers.

Airplanes need about five less rows of seats, a ban on children, a dress code and actual meal and beverage service to justify the ticket prices these days. And to be clear, it's not about the *price* - it's about what you get for that price. Cramps and flu. Gross. Flying is gross.

Airlines cut corners to maximise profitability. Pieces of planes fall off in mid-air (in the news today!). They catch on fire. The noses, tails, wings, engines fall right off. The pilots sleep, play games and drink. I know that these accidents are small in number when compared to the vast quantity of flights each day, but it's enough to demonstrate a severe lack of concern within the industry for the comfort and safety of their customers. All that matters is profit, spelled $$$$$$. Just yesterday, I read that many airlines are switching to new seats that are smaller and allow them to squeeze MORE passengers onto already overcrowded planes. Sickening.

Of course, FM has their own private plane so these could all be non-issues. I still believe her though, because flying blows.
OK....Karma, this one hit a little home with me, me being a Flight Attendant that is college educated and didn't "choose" this profession by a simple boy-hood Dream of being a "Stewardess". I did it out of neccesity to get Health Insurance and the (very-few) flight perks along the way. We work long and hard, and dedicate ourselves to being on-call for at least half the month, only to be jerked around by scheduling and then (when we actually, work/fly) have to deal with every single different personality there is in the world and "TRY" (FAA regulated) to please each-and-every one of YOU!

You may go on and rant-and-rave about how Pilots and FA's (Not Stewardess') drink and don't give a flying-F#ck about your G-D peanuts and if the person next to you suffers from allergies. That I will NOT dispute LOL.

Regardless of how displeased you are with airlines in general, the cramped spaces, stinky passengers, high-prices, etc. We are all trained thouroughly and follow Federal Aviation Administration rules. What I would like to know is where you get your spoken FACTS about "pieces" flying off the plane and airlines considering "more seats", etc. Links, please?

At the days-end, Everything We do is FAA regulated and for the safety of all passengers. Yes, there is a reason why seat belts need to be fastened for take-off and landing, seatbacks need to be in the upright position, all baggage must be completely under the seat in front of you. Don't get me started on cell phones. It is for the SAFETY of not just "singular-minded" passengers, but the safety of ALL passengers.

We are educated and do care about the safety of our guests, our passengers....after all we are concerned about the safety and well-being of US, most-of-all. So, (your post implies) the big corporate airline Wigs in charge cut-corners for the almighty dollar, that as well, I will not dispute. But rest assured if a highly skilled Pilot or highly-educated FA is uncomfortable with a specific plane or flight...We Will Be The First One's OFF of it....before it even takes off of the ground.

Please all be kind to your FA's and Pilots the next time you travel. We endure alot for your safety in the travel industry. Be kind to one another.

Last edited by FierySequences; 10-16-2013 at 08:21 PM..
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