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Old 08-26-2014, 08:24 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by Nickingham View Post
Contrary to my username on here, I'm not a S&L shipper. It's just a play on the combination of their names. Not that I'm completely disinterested in their past relationship, mind you. I just don't see them two getting together again these days because they've moved on from do I put this... leftover wanting-to-do-it-vengeful-painful side of that relationship. These days, they seem to be more of the 'I remember how painful and frustrating it was and let's fix it so we're not still bitter about it' mind. Seasoned with a bit of platonic love spice and a hint of familiarity.

I don't mind that some people still like to ship. But I haven't and didn't ask Richard any questions that pertain to anything of the sort. And I know that nobody asked me. I just felt like getting it out there. I don't know I'm weird like that.

It might seem that Richard is picking and choosing the questions based on certain subjects but I really think it has to do with how often those type of questions are being asked. And if they're sent in at the times he is online/top of the pile.
One thing I found interesting was that instead of answering my question about the recording of Mirage in the Chateau, he posted a picture of Lindsey recording vocals during that time. Maybe Richard doesn't like to answer when he's not too sure of his memories?
It just seems a little odd that the band doesn't comment too much on the Mirage and Tango sessions. Were things really that bad at those times that they keep hush-hush about it? Or was it boring and there's not much to tell besides the infamous fight at Chris' house?
Perhaps it's all about sticking with the cash cow Rumours.

Yeah I'm more interested in the off-beat, silly and creative process stories. The one's we haven't heard about.
I asked him about the Curry Grant/Stevie thing because I saw it in the forums here and thought I'd help the Ledgies get an answer.

Great post! Change your name to McNickingham. lol
I have no problems with SN and LB relationship talk either. The fact is they do write a lot about each other in music and lyrics. 1. It sells! And it has sold a lot. Clearly, there are a lot of people that buy into that whole relationship business. It's a romantic story. 2. They truly have a muse for each other, and creativity is sparked from it. All the writers in this band have great chemistry. It is amazing how much Lindsey and Christine collaborate together and the music they have produced. Another relationship of chemistry.

I simply believe there is zero romance between Stevie and Lindsey, other than within the scope of the music. As I posted earlier, Richard's quote clearly says to me that he's uncomfortable bringing up, "past situations" which aren't necessarily relevant today. I think if you asked him a question about their chemistry within the confines of the band he would have no problem answering them. As he has in some cases already in the blog. But to insinuate anything else, as he stated, "affects the beautiful wife and kids" that Lindsey has in the current day.

I think there is a lot to be said of the Tango and Mirage sessions. Seems like that's when LB had some serious issues with Stevie's drug use, fame, and lack of presence during the albums. Obviously, this all led to him leaving. I find that period interesting, too.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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