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Old 09-05-2016, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by johnnystorms View Post
Not disputing your suggestion re- a ballad, but she already had a "robin song" with Gypsy. And the record company chooses singles. Maybe i'm just thinking that with the success of the rockers from Bella Donna, it would have been better to hit that with the third single. Nightbird just seems so clunky and non-radio friendly to me.
Yes, she already had a Robin song but I don't think that's a limit, see how many Lindsay's songs she's put out. If anything probably that would have been an incentive for her.
And yeah, the record company chooses the single but I doubt that they do it without any involvement from the artist.
However Gypsy wasn't really a song for Robin, not initially. The song was first written when she broke up with Lindsy, so it was another Lindsay song, and then in 1981 after Robin's death for Stevie the song "took another meaning" and she recorded it as a tribute to Robin. I think she may even have said that she added some lyrics to it, I'm sure the line "I can't see your bright eyes/I can't find you" was added at this time.
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