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Old 10-07-2019, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by elle View Post
"Christine, John, they are just wonderful people and we have a blast every night. I know it is hard for them losing a member, I have lost a member. It’s sad but you have to carry on and I think we are doing a good job."

they say this stuff and you gotta wonder whether they are stupid or just so incredibly blasé and callous about stuff like other people's lives.

Christine and John didn't lose a band member like Mike did. they contributed to him being ousted by standing by and watching Mick and Stevie do it. and then getting on with a program of advertising the happy happy happy times. if they both put their foot down, they could have stopped it. instead they are all "oh loss" and "had to happen" - no, it did not. are they all really that dense?

i like how Mike is trying to wash his hands - oh i didn't know! but how about asking Lindsey, Mike? you know, guy who is your friend and a fellow musician? ask him what's going on? and now when you do know? you say how great it all is, and how you will be waiting by the phone to maybe be called again? interesting that he speaks of FM as they, not "us" - completely ruining Mick's narrative that they are all FM now.
I would entirely agree with you and do not think yours is an overreaction. To say FM "lost" a member (= fired) and equate that with The Heartbreakers losing a member (= death) is either lazy, stupid, or uncaring. I believe it's the latter, since Mike strikes me as a smart guy. I do doubt his honesty. Whether Mick told him the truth at the outset or not is beside the point: Mike certainly knew by the time the band did the on-air interview. If he didn't want to associate himself with the band and their collective decision to oust their most important MUSICAL member, then his choice to stay is on him--and he's just as culpable as the rest. Granted, there are degrees of culpability. But no one's hands are clean here.
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