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Old 06-10-2022, 04:14 AM
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Originally Posted by HomerMcvie View Post
I agree with her. It's been a couple decades since I've PLAYED while doing coke(I still play, but no longer with the coke guy!), but I always thought it made me better. Especially when you're doing it with a band mate(and in our case, keeping it from the other two band mates - giving each other that knowing wink during a song). god I miss those days!

AND....I definitely play better with a couple stiff drinks inside me. I used to play with a non drinking drummer, and he'd always say, "Man, I gotta tell you, most people only THINK they play better with a few drinks, but you really do play better!"

Don't judge......
Cocaine is a stimulant and releases tons of dopamine in the brain. It makes the body more alert and sensitive to its senses. Multiple studies have shown cocaine makes people perform better and even drive better. Playing keyboards would be no different. Even Don Henley said during the peak of the Eagles success they believed cocaine was one of the reasons for their success because it extended their creativity.
Having said that cocaine is the devils drug. Its never satisfying and as soon as you take a bump you are already planning your next bump and its an endless cycle. When abused it takes over completely. Studies have shown that when given to monkeys, the monkey will eventually choose cocaine over food when given the choice. Then when all you think about is getting high destroys everything in your life.
Alcohol on the other hand gives the body fake or false impressions. People think they do things better like driving, etc and every study shows alcohol impacts all bodily functions. But when used with cocaine, it brings the body down from being too high. Long story short, its not surprising Chris would say cocaine and champagne made her play better. There is some truth to that.
What I got a kick out of was how she rationalized her and Stevie's intake compared to the guys. Everyone knows Stevie and Mick were the biggest partiers. Chris made me laugh when she said her and Stevie "only" did spoons while the guys had their stuff in Heineken beer caps on stage. The spoon may contain a little less coke but how often are you using the spoon? The guys may have used the beer cap the entire show yet Stevie ran back stage and did 10 spoons

In my party days I loved coke and white wine. The coke made you too wired and a nice glass of wine calmed you while making it more intense. In those days I could spin on the dance floor better than any Stevie. And just like Stevie, I left the dance floor after every song to head to the bathroom
My heart will rise up with the morning sun and the hurt I feel will simply melt away

Last edited by Macfan4life; 06-10-2022 at 07:05 AM..
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