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Old 09-04-2022, 08:06 AM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Default Fleetwood Mac mention in The Beatles' Get Back

I watched the Beatles' Get Back documentary film recently. At one point I sat up when John gave a mention to Fleetwood Mac (actually there might have been FM mentions at two different points, I can remember).

Anyway, John was referring to a TV appearance the previous evening. He was talking about how interesting it was the sort of stuff Fleetwood Mac were doing. At the time I missed exactly what programme he was referring to. Now, I could go back and re-watch that section, but I'm not sure which part of the 8 hours it came up in.

Given they'd soon start the Abbey Road sessions, I initially thought perhaps he was referring to Albatross (due to the influence for Sun King). However, he did specifically mention how he really liked 'The lead singer'. The Let it Be sessions were recorded Jan 1969. So maybe the TV appearance was the soon to be released Man of The World (????).

I don't really know the TV appearances of the band around that time. Do people know what song performance John Lennon was referring to and what the programme was?

Anyway, it was nice hearing them receiving that praise from John Lennon. I guess George probably had some links contact with Fleetwood Mac at that time, especially Mick, through Jenny, but I'm not really sure whether that sort of familiarity would have extended to John.

By the way, I thought Get Back was absolutely amazing to watch. If anyone has even the remotest of interest in the Beatles I thoroughly recommend they watch this. It frames the Let It Be album/performance in such a different light and opens such an incredible window into their creative process. My only regret is not having the chance to watch this in a cinema. I reckon the cinematic experience would have been akin to sitting in the studio with them. One word….incredible!

'Where words fail, music speaks'
Mick Fleetwood

Last edited by FuzzyPlum; 09-04-2022 at 09:56 AM..
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