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Old 03-12-2023, 12:25 PM
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aleuzzi aleuzzi is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by HomerMcvie View Post
And THAT'S her legacy for the band that kept her from being a waitress for the rest of her life. Firing the reason she was pathetically included into the band. And us not having a swan song from the band.

I'd 1000 times rather hang out with Bekka than the old goat.
I won’t forget being VERY angry when the rest of the band kept putting off releasing new music in order to wait for Stevie, who chose instead to serve herself with another tour. Worse: she showed no interest beyond the tour of making new music with them. I was pissed because, for a while there, it looked like whatever news music the four had made was shelved away indefinitely. That’s when I crossed over from ironic tolerance to active resentment. When the album finally surfaced and it was as good as the die-hards hoped, then we had to listen to Stevie fans say they felt, without her, the music was boring and, more bizarre, that the project was disrespectful to Stevie. Then came Show Them the Way….
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