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Old 11-22-2023, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Penguin Emeritus View Post
I was thinking it was 73 also. the end of that year was really a disaster. And yes, I believe Clifford Davis has always maintained that FM knew (or maybe at least Mick and John?) about the fake band... maybe Bob welch was in the dark about it? I think somebody asked him about that in his Q&A but i can't remember what he said...

Yes it must be around 1973. By Jan. 1974 they already knew about the fake band, according to Mick's book.
I remember John McVie saying to them, "This is crazy. It's our names Fleetwood and Mc." The whole affair was extremely frustrating and would lead to years of the usual farce connected with litigation. Clifford thought he had us. He had other acts and could raise money for lawyers. That was his technique. The label immediately put our money in an interest-bearing account and said they'd be happy to pay whoever the judge told them to. He knew that English litigation was an endless process and thought he could starve us into submission. He didn't figure on our ever having the resources to take him on.

So I don't think John sent Cliff "best wishes" in 1974.

And the end of that episode was far from nice and happy, and it was in 1978.

All that was resolved on a cold English morning that spring. John McVie, Mickey Shapiro, and I sat in our solicitor's of lice, and there appeared our former manager. It was time to settle up. Clifford and McVie looked at each other darkly. If looks could kill, our ex-manager would have been brown bread. It was so vitriolic there was so much hatred in the room one could cut it with a switchblade.
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