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Old 01-02-2024, 12:57 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by aleuzzi View Post
Really? I think that and Kiln House are amazeballs.

Of the 71-74 albums, I rank Future Games and Bare Trees on the same level — both VERY good albums, each with its own distinct character. Future has brighter (for the most part), softer (for the most part), rambling songs, whereas Bare Trees is more concise, often harder, and frequently moodier. But the quality is neck and neck.

Penguin is my favorite of that period. Christine’s songs are real treats and none of Bob’s songs disappoint, Night Watch being my favorite. My only gripe is not Dave Walker but that the album is too short. Two more songs, one from McVie and Welch respectively would’ve done it.

Mystery is long, solid, and often quite good, but for me it lacks some undefinable energy or quality Penguin has—and it’s not as well engineered: the former is sonically satisfying but the latter, while slicker, sounds too close to the speakers. Only Miles Away and Why benefit from the engineering…

Heroes is my least favorite, primarily because the mix is muddy and the overall energy seems lacking. But the songs themselves are impressive. The band just sounds exhausted. The title track, Silver Heels, and Bad Loser are exceptions.
Heroes and Mystery are my fav's. Then FG and BT, then Penguin.

Having said that, I love Christine's music on Penguin. Especially the opening track, Remember Me which gives it a vibe.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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