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Old 01-24-2024, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by BigAl84 View Post
This whole debacle has little to do with Lindsey and more about the fact that the ENTIRE rest of the band didn't appreciate her 10 minute speech when the rest of them kept their words to an acceptable length.
Yes, completely. But if a member of my band spends ten minutes talking about herself at a group event, I’m going to show the political intelligence to stand very still and then take the mic and do exactly what that other person did: aggrandize myself and push my own memories and experiences forward and ignore the collective — for another ten minutes. I would have completely counterbalanced Stevie’s ego display with a display of my own. It wouldn’t have made for very interesting TV, but she wouldn’t have had a leg to stand on if she had tried to complain about me.

The others have never put the connection together and have never had the political intelligence to handle Stevie by being Stevie or taking her at her word.

If she was complaining about not being involved in the studio, ask her point blank to supply the keyboard, drums, bass, or guitar for a couple of tracks and tell her you need some rough tracks in two weeks.

If she complained about you in the press, tell the same pop music critic: “She had an interesting take and I appreciate hearing from her. However, here’s how I remember that incident.”

If she complained about how mean your lyrics were, complain about how mean and hurtful her lyrics were (“Rulers make bad lovers” is meaner than anything in “Go Your Own Way”).

Sign a copy of your albums and put them all on her chair at the studio — a big stack of them.

If she’s backstage during the show for too many minutes, cut your song a little short and go to the mic and ask, “Stevie? Will you be out here soon?”
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