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Old 04-02-2004, 04:45 AM
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Default Re: Mel's "Passions"

Originally posted by 4Buck

I was standing in line at the grocery store yesterday reading this paper, so I'm not super sure about all the details:

During his marriage, Gibson's been banging broads in public bathrooms, according to the National Enquirer......

I know his turnoffs have got to be his zooful of (7?) children and an old wife to boot, but this is the guy who claims he's always been "Mr Family Values."

Is "The Passion of Christ" his repent?

I saw the movie and really liked it. But what a hypocrite.
Well, I am amazed that you think anything printed in the National Enquirer should be taken as gospel truth!

I'm also amazed that you seem to think it odd that Mel has an 'old wife'.... Excuse me, but isn't the original basis of marriage that you choose ONE person to spend the rest of your life with, and not trade them in every few years for a better looking model ?

As for inferring that their family is a zoo... Whether they choose to have no children, one child or need to hire a bus to go out anywhere, it is none of your business!

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