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Old 06-07-2004, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by chiliD
I got lost through the thread...

Has anyone brought up the theory that the Republican Party was behind the John Lennon assassination? That with Reagan coming into office and Lennon coming back into public life, the Republicans wanted Lennon out of the way due to his publicly anti-"establishment" (read: Nixon/Republican) views earlier in the '70's.

I'm sorry for the family's loss, but I'm not sad to see Reagan pass on...he was a bad actor, a bad Governor and a worse President.

I have serious doubts he was even lucid during his second term. Daddy Bush seemed to be at the control of the "puppet strings" attached to Ronnie those last four years. The Bush family is scary...VERY scary...the sooner we get them out of power, the better for all of us.
I never heard that Lennon theory, but I wouldn't put anything past those bastards.

As for Reagan, his doctor told him that he was showing signs of Altzheimers three years into his first, I can only imagine how it progressed the next five years. But, that's neither here nor there because all he did was read the teleprompter and sign the bills the Rethugs put in front of him.

Now, as for the Bushes, I agree. The Bushes remind me of Charles Manson and their supporters remind me of the Manson family.

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