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Old 07-26-2004, 05:13 PM
javier javier is offline
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by wetcamelfood
OK well hmm, it's really hard to expand on it really as the rest of the tracks don't vary much from what was on the clips and I'm still learning them myself, I've only had the chance to listen to them a couple of times so far. Hopefully Javier will give the OK (like he has to the other clips that have surfaced on those stickys in ths forum) and then all can hear them in full.


Au contraire, there are indeed differences. "Georgia" was our first live recording at a high school, summer of '68. Lindsey is on the bass. "You Don't Get Young Anymore" and "What the World Needs Now" were recorded over 6 months earlier in a studio (Fall of '67, barely a few months after Stevie and Brian had joined Fritz), and at that time, since Lindsey knew the songs better than new member Brian, the former is heard on guitar, while Brian played bass. Louisa Joy was a commercial attempt on my part, meant for the Los Angeles commercial "rule" for 3-minute ditties. But the live recordings I have from 1970 are very, very different--long drawn-out parts, more expressive vocals, etc.--very late Sixties "San Francisco era," more bluesy, in the spirit of the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane.

This month I sent Marty some snippets of Fritz era music with the intention of sharing them at this web site. The purpose was to share as well as gauge the response. There are live and studio cuts--"You Don't Get Young" was one of them, therefore, I don't have a problem with you making your copy available but I would advise you not to release the whole piece, or wait 'til Marty makes his edited version available. Pressure him to do so! The Ebay capper certainly showed me that there is interest!

Caution is warranted cuz too many unscrupulous souls might try to make fast mullah with the whole numbers, selling the music elsewhere. I would even advise the same caution with "What the World Needs Now," even though I didn't pen that. I am definitely going to release complete CDs of this live and studio music this year or next. Been holding out to see if there would be a Fritz reunion. Hope doth spring eternal. My colleagues might even help with the distribution, etc., which would be better than if I did everything on my own. Or, there may even be new recordings. After the pleasant encounters of June 27, I am very optimistic. But yes, this stuff is worth your while--people will be astounded!

Javier Pachecoearlier

Last edited by javier; 07-26-2004 at 05:19 PM..
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