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Old 08-26-2004, 03:07 PM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 3,228

Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
Uhm, no sore loser here. It's just a game, 'member?
Last time I checked, a song getting voted off doesn't mean we're not allowed to listen to it anymore.
I haven't forgotten at all. Not at all.

Being a moderator is going to my head? Nice try. You must have a little Quixote in your blood, for all the windmill chasing you do.
That sounds like an ethnic slur. I would hope we could all be above that kind of thing.

If I was letting being a moderator go to my head, then I'd just re-edit all of the votes to boot "Save Me A Place."
You don't because you can't get away with it. Simple.

And I decided to stop playing clean, when I saw that you had decided to.Of course, since you still insist that you ARE playing clean, then I insist the same, dogoneit!
Sore loser talk.

I do wear glasses actually. They're not the least bit flattering though... I need some new frames.
I can make some recommendations.

And, uhm, my tactics aren't the only ones that folks are finding laughable... so I'm not too worried.
If I were worried about what folks think about me, I would have stopped posting a long time ago. Pfft...

Oh, yeah, and SAVE "SAVE ME A PLACE"!!! I want that sucker to win!!! Come on, everybody, help me out here! We have to raise Lindsey's appreciation!!! If this song doesn't win, no one can ever like it again!!!
Don't be silly. Your sour grapes must be quite bitter by now.
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