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Old 03-16-2005, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by macfan 57
I think this was from that Billboard press release from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. I'm certainly not surprised. That's what she was saying in many of those interviews last year. John McVie in his Q & A said the same thing. However, it's been over 7 years since she left Fleetwood Mac & people are still asking Mick if she's coming back. I LOVE that.

This also assumes that Fleetwood Mac will record again. There's no guarantee of that at all, in my opinion.
I wasn't surprised by what Mick said either....but part of me wishes they'd just make some new music as the five of them. Screw touring if Chris is so turned off to it....just concentrate on the music, have fun w/ each other.

In all the audio comments Chris makes on her site, she often speaks of herself as still being part of FM and has to keep correcting herself.... like in a way she hasn't 'disassociated' from them, and she probably never if the pull of chemistry is so strong, why not just give in to it, and do a few songs together....sigh.

Although I suppose the financial ramifications of not touring, and how that affects Mick and John (as non-writers) etc is a whole other issue, I realize that...but on the other hand, they're all so freakin rich already LOL....can't $ be a non issue at this point?!

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