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Old 03-18-2005, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
You see it as "schtick"... I see it as "The Essence Of Stevie."

What one person reacts and responds to is wildly different from what "does it" for someone else, but it still amazes me when someone who is an admitted Stevie fan, severely dislikes an aspect of her that MAKES her, her.

To say, "I hate when Stevie gets into her flowery schtick" is like saying, "I hate when Lindsey gets into his twitchy, avant-garde schtick," or "I hate when Christine gets into her lovelorn-lady schtick."
It makes sense when it's coming from someone who doesn't like that particular artist, but when it comes from someone who's a fan, it baffles me.
No one will understand everything in life, dear, no use trying.

Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
Stevie has always been a hippy, dippy, flower-chicky, new-age California girl... among the many other things she seems to be.
And it worked when she could pull it off well, but she can't these days as much as she used to; these days it comes across as schtick to me. She comes up with stuff like Silver Girl about someone famous living in a "harsh" world and it does nothing for me. She comes up Say You Will, a song that sounds incredibly forced, uninspired, and cliched. She comes up with Thrown Down, a song that is admittedly about Lindsey Buckingham...yet again. Or how about Illume? Some great lyrics, but she once again gets mired in the self-centeredness that has been permeating through her music since '89. I know you don't agree with me on any of these things and we've discussed them at great length many times over. You and I approach her music much differently, so we already start off at opposite ends of the field and neither of us will make a goal.

Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
It's not "schtick"... which implies that it's a forced gimmick that she puts on... it's part of who she is.
That's your opinion, I have a different one.

Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
Admittedly, "Silver Girl" had to grow on me, but I think "Thrown Down" and "Say You Will" are terrific songs. The latter is so endlessly catchy, and an absolute gem in the traditional "Fleetwood Mac style"... two verses, and an upbeat, bouncy chorus (see "You Make Loving Fun," "Think About Me," "Over My Head," "Love In Store," "Come A Little Bit Closer," "Little Lies," "Everywhere," "As Long As You Follow," etc., etc., etc.).
I find it irresistible.
Glad you like 'em. I love Save Me A Place and consider it a terrific song. It's endlessly fascinating. I find it irresistible. But you don't and that's your right.

Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
(Oh, and I still don't see how "Everybody Finds Out" is "childish"... Stevie PERFECTLY captures the typical, "I saw him first, he's MINE" attitude that MILLIONS of people exhibit. Or perhaps it's just the fact that people INSIST she HAS to be writing it autobiographically, and not as an observer of this love-triangle, trying to put herself into their shoes.
Stevie's own fans strait-jacket her more than anyone else could.)
I don't think it has anything to do with her and some ridiculous, magical affair she had with Lindsey like most people seem to. She could be writing about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky for all I know, I don't give a fiddler's fart. The lyrics and the way they're shouted simply make it seem childish to me. You'd think that someone capable of writing such amazing lyrics could do a bit better than a cliched "You can't love him! You can't have him! I do have him!" It comes across as juvenile to me. Sue me.

Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
Anyway, to get back on topic... I love Chris and I miss her influence on "The Fleetwood Mac Sound," but she's moved on and so should we.
It took me a while to realize it, but Fleetwood Mac has always been more than just any one member.
The way some of you folks make it sound, it's as if we're banging down McVie's door and screaming at her to hook back up with the Mac or face utter annihilation. And we're just saying we miss her harmonies and pop fluff!

When all is said and done, at the end of the day, opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one and everyone thinks everybody else's stinks.

Last edited by dissention; 03-18-2005 at 05:24 PM..
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