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Old 03-21-2005, 08:00 AM
Kelly Kelly is offline
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Default moving on

Terri had her heart attack over fifteen years ago. I have no problem with her husband getting on with his life. My Mom died of breast cancer ten years ago and my stepdad has remarried and had a kid with his new wife. Does that mean he didn't love my Mom? No...he has a right to move on as does Michael.
Terri's husband is not the only one who testified about her wishes. The nineteen judges and six courts who heard this case and evaluated all the evidence found there was sufficient and compelling evidence that Terri had expressed her desire NOT to be artificially sustained. There were four people who testified that she told them that. My husband and best friend know more about my wishes than my parents at this point in my the fact that her parents did not know how she felt about this issue make total sense to me.
BTW....I have read alot about this case and I question her father's motives more than I do Michael's but that is another debate.
I agree that removing someones tube sounds barbaric and inhumane but the point is, the courts have decided, upon reviewing the evidence, that this is what Terry WANTED. Whether you or I think her quality of life is good or bad is not the point. Whether she is happy to see her mom wal;k in the room is not the point. Whether she tries to raise her arm to wave is not the point. She did want want to live this way! The courts have adjudicated on the matter and decided there is sufficient evidence to support her husband's claims regarding her wishes.
If the government is going to get involved in this case, it needs to involve itself in every case and how many of us want that?? What about parents who don't believe in giving their children medication? Or surgery. Or blood products. It is against their religion so they let their children die from normal childhood illnesses or minor problems that could be easily corrected through surgical intervention. Should the government step in and take away these people's constitutional rights? I think not. (although I would rather see the Congress step in on a case like this because the children's rights need to be protected)
Sad sad case and I pray for a swift, painless outcome.

"She has an exquisite femininity"......Lindsey
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