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Old 05-13-2005, 03:38 AM
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HomerMcvie HomerMcvie is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
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Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
Uhm, it was a little joke... not a "warning." You did know that, right?
I just thought it would be more interesting if folks listed only one or two songs that they felt most deserved to have that top spot... rather than simply saying "all of them."

And what gives with the "army" stuff and feeling the need to "warn" someone? Like I was going to give Steve a cyber flogging for picking more than one Christine song, because I'm on some kind of mission to make sure Chris doesn't steal any of Stevie's popularity.

Maybe I'm wrong, but you seem to have some odd thing built up in your head about Stevie's big, bad, meanie-pants fans. The last time I looked, there's no war between Christine's and Stevie's fans. In fact, many of us happen to love both Mac ladies, and can talk about them in the same sentence without pitting one against the other.
See, the written word is far too easily misinterpreted. Believe it or not, I'm joking just as much as you are. I actually DO tire of hearing about her though(especially on Chris' board). I don't bother people on her board.

Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
I was just thinking of an old Shakespeare quote, that's all.
"The (Ledgie) doth protest too much, methinks."

General Stew signing off.
I've stated many times, I used to be a huge Stevie fan. My appreciation of Chris blossomed fully over time, and I now rank Stevie third in MY appreciation. Sorry for whoever doesn't like that. That's just the way it is!
Goodnight General,
Christine McVie- she radiated both purity and sass in equal measure, bringing light to the music of the 70s. RIP. - John Taylor(Duran Duran)
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