Thread: Bob Welch
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Old 06-16-2005, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by wetcamelfood
2. After "Rumours" conquered the world, I don't honestly think people generally were particulary crazy about the song "Tusk" but after that kind of massive success they enjoyed with "Rumours", they could've released ANYTHING as the "long awaiting single from the "Rumours" follow up album" & it would've made top 10.
"Tusk" took awhile to sing in & get people to groove to it. It didn't have that immediate impact, but it did have a hook that the public did begin to respond to.

It's my own hypothesis, too, that the USC Trojan Marching Band helped propel "Tusk" (the song & the album) as much as any airplay did. They featured the song at halftime at all the USC games at the Coliseum that year & the next, & you have no idea what it was like to see 80,000 people stand & do their "Victory Sign" thingie when the band launched into its arrangement of "Tusk." It really got everybody pumped.

In fact, "Tusk" probably got a bigger, better reception at the Coliseum that year than on the radio!

Plus, Stevie & Lindsey showed up at the USC-ASU game in October, & those 80,000 people were doubly dazzled, oddly enough. There was just something about seeing Stevie do her baton majorette routine & watching Lindsey fake-conduct the band.
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