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Old 04-21-2006, 10:52 PM
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amber amber is offline
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Originally Posted by SteveMacD
BTW, am I the only straight guy here who's a little pissed that the GLBT community turned rainbows gay? I mean, now I have to explain to my kids that before ninteen eighty something, rainbows didn't mean you were gay, or were even bi-curious, whenever I show the pics of my youth. And then I have to explain bi-curious, and why they'll go to HELL if they even think about it. It's either that, or the OTHER two choices, which are make them watch "Philadelphia" until they're too scared to have sex OR just crush their self-esteem at an early age and make them feel overly self-consious for the rest of their lives. Oh sure, they'll have issuses, and will no doubt have to go through a lot of therapy. On second though, if I play that last card too hard, then they'll give it up to the first buck-tooth idiot they find. So, what I should do is make them watch "Philadelphia" AND crush their self-essteem early on, thus sending them the message that sex COULD be deadly, but honestly, nobody would want to have sex with you in the first place. Yeah, that will work. THAT'S good parenting. But, ONCE AGAIN, thanks gay community for making EVERYBODY else's job a litle more difficult.

It's time we took the rainbow back!
"Do not be afraid! I am Esteban de la Sexface!"
"In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom.
It is not always an easy sacrifice"

Whehyll I can do EHYT!! Wehyll I can make it WAHN moh thihme! (wheyllit'sA reayllongwaytogooo! To say goodbhiiy!) -
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