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Old 06-27-2006, 07:45 AM
Alan Olson Alan Olson is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 44

So last night my wife and I went to see Tom Petty with Pearl Jam opening up here in St. Paul, MN.....About a third of the way into Petty's show he says in between songs how fans ask him about what music he listens to and what inspired him when he was young and he says "We listened to a lot of the bands from England and how great they were, and how big of an influence they were on him.... and if we didn't mind we would like to play some for you." They broke into Bo Diddly's "I'm a Man" but it was the Yardbirds version of the song. It sounded great and it was a very faithful rendition of the Yardbirds sound, harmonica blaring and guitars crashing together. After that "Oh Well" comes to life and it ROCKED THE HOUSE. Petty had the shakers in his hands and was bouncing around the stage just like the video above. When Oh Well was over I turned and looked at my wife and said "I can go home now." Of course we stayed for the whole show. It was really nice to hear Oh Well played by an artist that I respect and at a volume that I won't soon forget. Just thought I'd share that with everyone here.....
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