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Old 08-11-2006, 02:18 AM
Red Red is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Calgary, AB
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Originally Posted by BTFLCHLD
RED...I had another one last night. It was pretty brief but I am wondering if there is something to interp. Lindsey and I were back on that country road but this time we were was really pretty out with again vibrant golden yellow fields...bluest sky...white white clouds...we were smiling and kicking at the dirt road...just loving life...pretty much skipping...then all of the sudden there was the sound of this train horn...and we look up and off in the distance there is a smokey gray train coming down the tracks...the horn becomes more urgent...we look ahead and see that there are tracks ahead of us and we make a run for it to beat the we cross the tracks a gold/green beaded necklace Lindsey gave me slides down my body to the ground...I can't stop it...we are running for our lives!..we make it to the other side, and turn to watch the train run over the necklace...we see pieces of necklace breaking away...we grip tighter each others hand praying that it will make it through somewhat...the train passes, we go back to the tracks and there is the necklace in pieces...while Lindsey kneels and gathers the pieces, I stand with my arms crossed and whimper a little as I watch the train move on...the same truck we were driving in from the other dream appears to the side of the road...Lindsey places the pieces he has gathered together on the hood and I am a bit teary worrying he doesn't have them all and that I broke something very special to us...Lindsey looks very concentrated on the pieces as he places them together yet I sense he is worried he doesn't have every single piece...just then he looks to me and says "dont worry about it babe I love you." His eyes are so gentle and understanding.

Then I woke up.
DAMN, seriously have the best dreams ever. I'm totally gettin' jealous over here!


To dream of an open field means that you are looking at the general overview of your everyday life and the activities within it. The fact that it was a golden yellow symbolizes the emotional joy of the self. Well duh, its a Lindsey dream. So I'm guessing overall, life is goin' alright for you?

Its funny that even though you recognized the train as an object of potential danger (the urgency of the blowing horn), you decide to make a game of it and try to beat the train. Trains in dreams are often not literal, particularly if you are not on the train. Being an observer is a reflection of how your attitude is toward relationships and social behavior. Are you a bit of a "daredevil" when it comes to sexual relationships? Is that askining too much?

The necklace: Jewellery IS more literal, and often is a symbol of love in dreams, particularly when it is a gift. You were worried that because the necklace was destroyed, so was the love between you, but no! Lindsey to the rescue!! He does his best to salvage what he can and assures you he loves you anyway.

Now I'm sure this seems like a sign of what's to come. But alas, no, that man is meant for me!!!

Bwahh...we'll duke it out over the month long concert!

I used to be Snow White but I drifted - Mae West.
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