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Old 10-10-2006, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by goldustsongbird View Post
Oy. Okay, I officially suck. I've been terrible lately! I was doing pretty well with the diet change in the summer, counting calories, trying to exercise without going to the gym, and trying to get my sleeping patterns in order. I started slipping around early, mid August, and now I'm now I'm... not quite back to square one, but I'm not super active and my sleep patterns get screwed over by the weekend.

My eating hasn't been too bad. I don't monitor calories obsessively, but I have been sneaking things lately. I got sick of just bran in the morning a few months ago, and switched to this six-grain stuff, and oatmeal. I get a good little workout (yeah, I'll keep calling it that ) walking around campus, and I've noticed a difference in my outer thighs, if nowhere else. Guess that's where it counts.

I think I've gained back a bit of what I lost, which really helps the depression.
I hear that. It can be hard to find the energy to get moving when you just don't feel good. I never found walking to help with depression much, I really have to sweat for it to help. Carrie is on the money with her gym suggestion.

It's cool to see everyone in here. I've also been slacking in the diet department. But I'm ready to reel it in again.
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