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Old 10-22-2007, 10:18 AM
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#1LiddyBuckFan #1LiddyBuckFan is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Posts: 986

Originally Posted by 3rd World Man View Post
A year ago on October 21, 2006 one of the BEST things EVER happened to me. I was at my 2nd LB show, Cincinnati (Nashville was #1) and I was waiting outside recovering from that magical show. God dropped a brick on my head and caused me to notice (& start talking to!) the most amazing woman I've ever met. Moments later, we met THE MAN himself (ummm, no not God, LINDSEY!!!), he stopped to talk to all of the fans gathered, and signed for many of us (I think that natesummers fan even got LB to sign his guitar! How cool is THAT?). It was AWE-Some! Lindsey is such a warm, caring and compassionate man in addition to being the greatest singer/songwriter/guitarist EVER!!! We were all floored by the whole thing, and the next day Nico posted this blog about it: (edited w/permission)

The best concert experience of my life. I'm still recovering from all of it. Wow. It was great…I loved the whole experience of seeing him right there and was moved by the moment of it all. I was awe-struck by the passion. Here's the magical moment: After quite a bit of time, in which I met a few really nice people, LINDSEY CAME OUT THE 'EFFIN DOOR. He was like, "Oh my goodness." and I thought he was going to walk to the van but he STOPPED and started chatting and signing and shaking people's hands, the very moment that my camera suddenly froze. I did get LB on my camera phone, though. It's wallpaper now, dude. And the best part: he signed my tickets!!!!! He came right over to me, right in my face, and he just signed them and I said, "Lindsey, you are a genius" And he looked at me with the sweetest eyes and said, "Well, thank you so much." And I was like, "No, Thank you." And he smiled at me, really stared at me, then turned to get to the other fans. I love him. He's the coolest guy and I'm so freaking happy I'm a fan of someone who is not only brilliant, but a nice human being as well..."

Isn't that a great blog? She really captured the amazing-ness of the whole thing (thanks Nico! I Love You!!!) The experience of seeing & meeting Lindsey ranks at the top of my personal Rock-n-Roll Hall Of Fame. Like everyone else lucky enough to see him last tour, I can't wait for more Lindsey shows. LB RAWKS!!!

PS....if anyone wants to get nostalgic (and has alot of time!), my LB px are still online.
My Nashville & Cincy px are at:
and Asheville, NC px are at:
I was JUST looking at the Asheville photos randomly this morning. I saved the link way back when you first posted because they are SO good. I haven't looked at them in a couple of months until this morning and here you are posting about it. How weird!!

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