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Old 06-26-2008, 07:24 PM
ajmccarrell ajmccarrell is offline
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Originally Posted by strandinthewind View Post
Me too.

However, the NRA, like the abortionists, wants to have the ability to own machine guns, etc. They eschew any type of background checks, etc. Similarly, the abortionist in the extreme want to have the ability to abort the pregnancy up until the time the chord is cut.

IMO - if both of these groups would just realize that they have the right to guns and to choose - but the state can place limits on that right. Sadly, the war on both fronts will continue.
I'd say some abortionists go further, such as Obama. In the Illinois Legislature, he voted for abortions AFTER birth if the baby was deformed or needed life support, or in cases of botched abortions when the baby came to term anyway.
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