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Old 09-14-2008, 05:59 PM
ajmccarrell ajmccarrell is offline
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Originally Posted by shackin'up View Post
What a total bull****. Nobody seems to understand that his sonic approach is something else than the usual drizzle on the radio. Even Warner Brothers' brings the album out on Vinyl because the masters of this album sounded so spectacular, that they chose to invest even more than neccesary. This album will not sell much. What do you guys think they are trying to achieve with this move? Critical acclaim in the audiofilemarket. So they believe in a crappy hometape?

My goodness. The dorkiness on this board seems to go on and on and on.
Naw, it couldn't be that I'm a musician myself and his stuff is still using the metronome effects and the dorky percussion effects off of his portable DAW, could it?! I don't even listen to music radio anymore, so your comment isn't quite on point. There are just certain conventions that dictate a final track and he didn't complete all the normal steps. For one, drum machine and placeholder effects are usually stripped out. Not all of the tracks sound amateurish, but some on both GOS and UTS certainly do. The best examples are "UTS", "Show You How", "IWY", "Great Day" parts of "DYMM" and a few others. They are using digitized metronome effects and weird snaky reverbs that sound like a first-timer at home on his computer trying to record something.

I use those same phony percussion effects when laying a new track down, I just strip them and dub in drums instead, as does 99% of other people. The instrumentation should have been overdubbed over the goofy "tapping on the mic" drum effects, especially because the guy has four drummers that I can think of a phone call away. Tapping on the mic and using bad Commodore 64 effects and fairlights from the mid-80's isn't avante-gard, it sounds just plain amateurish at times, like on "Show You How" and on "Great Day". I know he's doing it on purpose, but I can't for the life of me figure out why he wants something to sound bad on purpose. I just see it as a missed opportunity. I just think of how much more kickass the song would have sounded with a real kit.

Last edited by ajmccarrell; 09-14-2008 at 06:02 PM..
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