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Old 02-25-2009, 12:50 PM
Tango Tango is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by Madelow View Post
In a "perfect" world, (my dream), Mick would extend the offer to all FM members. All would accept, and perform in the spirit of what the Mac once meant to them. It would be dedicated "with love and respect to the memory of Judy Wong", with the final show in San Francisco. Dave Walker could even open with "How ya doin' San Francisco?". The guitar 'duels' between Green, Spencer, Kirwan, Welch, Weston, Buckingham, Mason, Burnette, and Vito would be killer. After the last cheers fade away, and the band is backstage, Christine walks out. She sits down at the piano. As the last "like never before" ends "Songbird", Mick hugs Bob Welch, and Linds & Stevie share a farewell kiss. What do you think, Ledgies? The ultimate final concert? I know, I know. But, what dreams! Best always, Madelow.
This is not even close to a perfect world. I remember Chili posting something like this a few years ago, part of a dream team. Mick wouldn't want to share the profits, Christine isn't coming back, it would take a lot of work, money (to even get them all together for just practice) and co-operation to get them all together.
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