Thread: Lindsey Pics
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Old 03-06-2009, 02:21 PM
michelej1 michelej1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Nico View Post

Ooohhh...steroids? His voice did sound kinda on the perfect side back then. I never thought...I assumed he had some kind of illness and was over-medicated, or he just discovered a passion for Krispy Kremes.
Actually, although I just said steroids to be silly, because the idea had only recently been placed in my head, there is a certain kind of weight gain that is not organic, not just the result of being fat. When a part of you blows up in a manner disproportionate to the rest of your body or the skin gets really taut, almost like you feel you could pop it and deflate the air out like a balloon, then that kind of weight gain is usually brought on by some type of drug or medication and not just food. It does make you think of Jerry Lewis on that telethon. He looked like a float! Then we learned it was steroids later.

I remember when my Dad was in the hospital and I could not only tell by his labored breathing, but by the location of the bloating, when he was retaining water and needed a diuretic, but the doctors never caught it until after I did. They were like a day or 2 behind me in any diagnosis. You can have all the training in the world, but if you don't care . . . Ah well.

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