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Old 11-11-2009, 03:32 PM
nicepace nicepace is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Cape Cod, Mass.
Posts: 940

Quote: you think Future Games is the best place to start? I'd be skipping Future Games and Bare Trees and jumping right into the good stuff. Oh yeah I'll admit that Lay It All Down is perhaps one of the best Bob Welch songs of all time, but it is the one redeeming feature of the album IMO.

Personally I'd start with Heroes and work backwards but perhaps I only think that way because that is what I did.
'Future Games' and 'Bare Trees' AREN'T "good stuff"? My my, we have a difference of opinion here. LOL

I like the idea of starting with the first one and working your way up through time chronologically. It enables a new listener to hear the changes in the band in order (even if not in "real time"). I obviously like 'Future Games' better than you do, so I have no objection to its being a good starting point. And if this listener is going to learn to appreciate Danny Kirwan (an important side benefit of becoming interested in Bob's music), she will have to start with the albums that Danny is on.

But if she wants to listen to them alphabetically, or based on which cover picture she likes the best, or any other random criteria, that's fine too. The important thing is that she take any one of those records and puts it on the turntable.

Personally, I like 'Penguin' the least of the five, but when I skip the Dave Walker tracks it takes a giant leap into the top tier.
-Joanne (from Cape Cod)
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