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Old 01-23-2010, 05:45 PM
OldTimer OldTimer is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Posts: 394
Default "Squeeze me CHRISTIE, till my face turns cherry red"

(I thought I needed a catchy title for my review of the Blue Again DVD ---- and yes indeed, that's how Rick sang it!......)

I just got the DVD yesterday -- where to start? Everything's fabulous, from the music (of course!) to the film work.

I don't know what's more impressive -- how great these four musicians are individually, or how great they are collectively. In a couple of short years they've become a remarkably cohesive (and kick-ass!) 4-piece unit ---- and individually, EVERY ONE OF THEM is absolutely stellar. That's my opinion, anyway .

Mick and Rick -- what more can I say about these two that hasn't already been said? They're freakin' FREIGHT TRAINS when they hit top gear. Power and perfection. Add the fact that they're having a hell of a lot of fun, and you can see why audiences respond so well. And I never get tired of Mick's incredible faces!

One surprise is Mark Johnstone doing a great lead vocal on Eyesight To The Blind. I had no idea he was such a strong singer, and I'd love to hear him do more. Rick Vito is fabulous at fronting the band, of course, but having a second singer of this quality sure doesn't hurt, either. (Mick referred to the very good-looking Mark as the 'pin-up boy of the band' )

And then there's the engaging, always-laughing personality of Lenny Castellanos, who's also a rock-solid bassist, powerful enough to hold his own with Mick! They're an awesome rhythm team. Look out, John!

There were dedications -- the first dedication was to Peter (Love That Burns). They followed that with a dedication to Jeremy (surprisingly, not Moneymaker -- Rick dedicated his song Red Hot Gal to Jeremy, maybe because of its fierce slide work that Jeremy may have inspired?)

The BEST dedication was the last, though. Mick had made an earlier, purposefully vague greeting to 'someone' in the audience. (I suppose everyone knew Christine was in attendance.)

But when it came to the last song of the night, Rick wasn't being vague.
"This is for a really special lady," he said, (and something about being "on the original record.") "You know who you are, and we love you!"
Then they launch into "Stop Messin' Round" and in the second refrain, Rick sings,

"Squeeze me CHRISTIE, till my face turns cherry red....."

Oh gawd it was so much fun, now I've gotta go back and play it again.

Last edited by OldTimer; 01-23-2010 at 05:48 PM..
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