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Old 02-15-2010, 12:51 AM
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vivfox vivfox is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Listen: Big Towne, 2061 (Mono) / Paris

While going through the library for my previous Mica Paris post, I couldn’t resist also listening to her alphabetical predecessor, Paris – the band.

Baffling how this post-Fleetwood Mac then ‘just prior to successful solo artist’ era Bob Welch group hardly gets a mention. Almost as though they never existed.

Firstly, nowhere near enough credit is afforded to the Fleetwood Mac/Bob Welch chunk of albums. Being just prior to their Stevie Nicks/Lindsey Buckingham skyrocket, it’s sadly dwarfed. As with the Peter Green era just before it, all top with must-have singles.

I was a serious Glenn Cornick fan, for ages considering him the best bassist out there. From seeing Jethro Tull’s first US show at The Fillmore East, I was in. THIS WAS and STAND UP, keepers for life. That band just plummeted downhill once he left. Replaced by a very stiff someone or other, all the band’s soul was robbed.

Therefore, with much interest did I approach Paris. BIG TOWNE, 2061, the album oddly didn’t register with FM radio – a strange twist given the Fleetwood Mac and Jethro Tull history. Not to mention it’s quality. Seemed Capitol didn’t care, never do recall much press or visibility. Add bad timing to the equation: this preceded punk by less than a year, so in no time, the tasty picking was passe.

Still, a good single. I forced it on everyone around for ages, which clearly didn’t really help the big picture at all.
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