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Old 08-25-2010, 07:26 PM
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Silver Springs Silver Springs is offline
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Bring back from the dead – Bill Hicks. Because I feel in this day and age of ego pandering amongst the hierarchy, this man would have a hell of a lot to say and a big impression to make. I like to think that they would have maybe listened to him, considering how deep his message was in his day and how relevant it is in our own.

Eat dinner with – I'm not comfortable eating in front of people. Having said that, I wouldn't mind shunning my plate whilst discussing art with the late great Andy Warhol. His approach and ideology have always fascinated me, and considering our similar paths I feel I would have alot to learn from him.

Get drunk with – Mick Fleetwood. I want to hear first hand stories from the crazy beginnings of Fleetwood Mac, and about the dreariest shows he was reluctant to comment on in his book :P No detail's too low brow

Smoke weed with – I honestly have no idea. Of course the obvious choices of Hunter S Thompson, Jerry Garcia and (probably not so obvious) Lord Byron came to mind. But they're not right. Maybe Sylvia Plath, so I can get a peek into the psyche that ultimately destroyed her. Gah...Why are so many people I admire already dead?

Go shopping with – I'm not sure this counts as a Celebrity, but Phoebe Buffay. Her style and mindset are so alike to my own that I'm sure we would have a great time together. And I look forward to slipping into Restaurants and liberating the Lobsters on our way :P

Fall asleep with – The entire Fleetwood Mac cast of Rumours era. I can just see us collapsing into a cute dogpile to sleep, feet in faces and such. It just seems like such a funny but cool way to sleep :P As long as I get to sleep on top of Lindsey of course hehe. Or maybe John as he is now as he does look the comfiest with his middle age spread.

Just be best friends with – Rupert Everett. Not only do I have a huge crush on the man, but My Best Friend's Wedidng left a big impression on me. I want a friend like that who I can be insane with but at the same time be completely myself and comfortable with.

Talk to – Stevie Nicks. I just want to find out how my namesake ticks and get to know her on a more personal/friendly basis. I get the feeling that she (along with Christine) are capable of being quite the Mother Hens. Yeah...okay...I'd also like to talk her into letting me pick out my favourite outfits from her wardrobe so I can steal them. My favourite is a brown suede dress in one of her pictures which is just delicious.

Marry- Rupert Everett. I'm okay with the whole gay thing. Just as long as I get the cuddles (Okay....maybe more than cuddles lol) and I get to be involved with his dramatic life as he loves to hint about. I like drama. Drama keeps me grounded and interested in life hehe.

Have children with – Damn...Does this mean I have to have children? *Whines* Erm... I guess I would have a child with both Lindsey Buckingham and Rupert Everett. I just want to see them both cradling a teeny little baby (preferably a girl) and see how their protective and nurturing sides present themselves. They can keep the kid. I'll just wave to it in the street if I saw it lol. Yup. I'm great Mother material lol.

Be tutored by - I keep coming back to this question and stumbling on it, purely because there are so many great celebrities out there I could learn so much from. But in favour of being a bore, I would have to say Stephen Fry again. Not only is he an intellectual of the educated sence, but he's intelligent with his humour, graces and "street" knowledge, if anybody out there understands. It would have been so easy for him to be stuffy and holier than thou. But he's a down to earth man with a psychological disorder I share and I admire him immensely for being himself and unafraid.

Trade places with – Janis Joplin, if I could avoid the premature death. She lived through the heady and turbulent scenes of the sixties and I just want to be a part of that. I missed my era by so many years and I wish I could have that chance to go back and be one of the major players in it.

Slap- Jordan aka Katie Price. I would love for her to explain why in the hell she is a Celebrity before hand though, because at the moment all I'm coming up with is boobs and self idolatry.

Hug – Stephen Fry. Because he has sensational favourite Uncle/Teddy Bear qualities

Go to a concert with – Lindsey Buckingham. I want to join him in being the two wierdos in the front clearing a radius around them whilst dancing like doofuses (Just watch Live In Boston during Tusk :P)

Be more like – I'd go back to the Janis Joplin answer for this question, only I would steer clear of the heavy drug use. I don't need to take drugs to see Flamingos crossing the street :P

Be with forever – If I could have been right from the beginning, then Lindsey.I love the idea of being with somebody from teens and just sticking with them right through everything....Being the Romeo and Juliet couple without the deaths. It would also mean that I got to be a Fleetwood Mac groupie which I am impressively okay with, of course

Want to grow up to be like – Christine Perfect/McVie. She's an elegant and classy lady who knows when enough is indeed enough. She isn't afraid to shy away from what she's used to in favour of her happiness and well being and that's a quality I need to learn.
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