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Old 03-12-2015, 05:16 PM
michelej1 michelej1 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: California
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Christine's return changed the balance in the band in a way that really was not favorable to Stevie. I mean, Stevie's individual success automatically gives her power in FM, but she already had that and keeps that. I'm saying that Christine's return doesn't give her anything more. Creatively, Christine doesn't side with Stevie in any band matters and never has. So, Christine being there doesn't give her a new ally on stage and in the studio. In fact, it gives Lindsey one. And it probably gives him two that he didn't have, because John probably tends to side with whatever Chris wants to do.

Even the SYW album probably wouldn't have been that much different with Chris around, other than the fact that Lindsey would have 6 songs instead of 9. Christine probably wouldn't have liked Come being on the album, but I doubt that she would have blocked it. With Christine contributing songs like SYHA herself, Lindsey would have been all the more intent on contrasting with her by adding Come, Morrow and Rover to the album, than he was without her there. So, Christine adds balance by her contributions, but she doesn't change Lindsey creatively.

She may change him socially though and her presence might make his personality more palatable, but even that is different than it was in the old days. I think that when Christine was gone, Stevie gained more power within the band than she had ever possessed before Christine left and Lindsey tried harder to please Stevie and to bite his tongue than he had in the past. They had to be more of a team, perforce, when Christine was not there than they do now.

Originally Posted by bombaysaffires View Post
Chris clearly didn't consume the vast quantities of coke that Stevie did to fuel those all-nighters
I guess alcohol took the edge off of whatever coke that Christine had. But the energy that Stevie had was hilarious. You can see it in the Tusk photo shoot.

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