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Old 12-22-2014, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by louielouie2000 View Post
Which brings up another topic- I have a strong feeling the band doesn't really have any interest in using Richard for their new album. After all, Lindsey's songs are apparently completed products, and Christine's are well on their way. Lindsey has spoken extensively about wanting fresh producers to see what they could do with the band's sound, etc. Instead, I have a feeling that the band is opening communication back up with Richard so they can influence what he shares on his blog. I truly hope I'm wrong, because the band really lost a vital part of what made their sound so magical when they parted ways with Richard and Ken.
i think Richard is being deliberately coy about that. but i agree with your feeling that they have no intention of using Richard, at least not for the most part.

i think Christine's songs are probably more complete than Lindsey's. his almost-complete songs i think are probably still waiting for SN's contributions (since 2012!), and are more in the state of It Takes Time than Sad Angel (which was completed in like 1-2 days (?) once SN selected it for release). while i don't think any of the songs they've done so far need much work (days and not months), it seems they didn't complete them because they wanted to give all band members the opportunity to mold and contribute to them, when they first started. songs with Christine, from 2014, might actually be those 8 songs they keep mentioning as practically done.

regarding Mick and Lindsey texting with Richard - if we leave all our cynicism aside, might that be only friendship, without ulterior motives? for one, if Lindsey was pushing his agenda on Richard's blog, Richard wouldn't be nearly as clueless about the state of that new album as he seems to be. and new FM album seems to be #1 item on LB's agenda these days.

"kind of weird: a tribute to the dearly departed from a band that can treat its living like trash"
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