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Old 11-05-2013, 09:55 PM
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WildHearted WildHearted is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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I'm admittedly not a huge Chris fanatic (I enjoy her tunes and her role within the band but I have never been one to read up on the entire history of her personal life, etc) so none of my comments are in any way influenced by some burning desire on my part to paint her as a saint. I dont think she was one (nor anyone else in the band). Chris has never seemed cuddly to me, although that is obviously just a perception I've gathered from watching her in interviews and seeing her type of dry humor. In truth, although I love her presence in FM, I have no strong feelings regarding Christine as a person one way or another.

So no, my comments re: Bob attributing his experience in FM as being the same experience SnL had in FM have absolutely nothing to do with somehow backing up my own opinion of Chris on the "absence" of complaints. Stevie's complained plenty about being treated like a child, and I don't think Lindsey was all that thrilled to be on FM in the beginning in general. He certainly wasn't thrilled about John and Mick having him play the LP or play with a pick. I believe that they all three had a vision of what FM was and should be and that it wasn't just "hey Stevie, hey Linds, y'all take over now," from the get go.

However, my comment was responding to Bob's assumumption that Chris would have gotten on to Stevie about her on stage antics. Stevie has specifically stated that she never did, although she probably thought she was nuts. According to Stevie, she never laughed in her face at her twirling or told her to cool it with the melodrama. That's not an opinion based on the absence of a comlaint by Stevie. It's based on what she actually said about that particular situation.

I would be shocked if it was all sunshine and roses, but I just personally don't think it's fair to make a blanket generalization about people and their personalities and use that to inform every thought you have of them from there on out with no considerations. The thing about personality is that it's all very relative to the person you are interacting with. Dynamics within groups change as the members of the group change.
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