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Old 03-29-2022, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by jbrownsjr View Post
It was part of her history, like it, don't like it. But, having the guests that were there with her during her journey is appropriate in my opinion. Do I like what Stevie has turned into? Hell no, but she is a part of Christine's career. As is: Lindsey, Mick, John, Billy, Clapton, Winwood, Sharp, Ferone, etc etc. They should honor her by participating if she had a one off show.

Her Fleetwood Mac hits especially Lindsey and Stevie. I have no problem with any of them guesting for a one off. I didn't say they would tour with her.

And yes BBoy Billy would certainly be welcome in my "mind's eye fantasy."
I see your point and agree with you. It sounds like a few folks think any sort of concert or event should be only what they want, and not necessarily what Christine or other folks want. I mean, I dislike Eric Clapton quite a bit, but in no way would I say he should not be in a tribute concert for Christine. I’m able to separate my feelings from the situation. No one person, not Stevie or Eric or Steve Winwood or anyone else is capable of sucking the air out of the room for any sort of event that would celebrate Christine McVie! And if you really think that’s the case, that says a lot about what you think of Christine’s music, and Christine herself.

BTW I love how I just got so wrapped up in this crazy scenario where I’m debating with people about a tribute concert that hasn’t even been scheduled LOL! But no one can take away from Christine’s talent, and her stage presence is endearing and I think seeing her interact with various guests would be incredible! I’ve decided I would absolutely see her in concert if she came within 4 hours, and hand on my Bible, if there were some sort of one night only tribute concert with her in England or Hawaii or California, I would probably go to it, and I wouldn’t give AF who was performing with her.
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