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Old 06-06-2003, 05:14 PM
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Default Birmingham (My last review. Phew.)

I knew going in that this would be the last show I'd get to see, at least on this leg of the tour. I was determined to enjoy it and absorb as much of it as was physically possible, even from way back in the fourth row.

There were signs everywhere that said no cameras or recording devices. We walk through the doors and the security guard didn't even look in my purse, she just says, 'You don't have a camera, right?' And I'm shaking my head no, thinking the honor system works for me. Mike saw me again and stopped to say hi. When we made our way down to our seats Jan, Christie and Mike are all chatting and they stop to tell me of their meeting with Lindsey. Now I'm glad I didn't make it to the hotel that night.

I had caught a cold sometime during the week, and it was pretty bad before the concert. I asked my goddess friend, Elga to send me some of her magic, and it kicked in just as the crickets began to sing. Thank you, Elga, I can breathe. Mick takes the stage and jumps up and down for the audience. Then John makes his way to his hiding place behind Stevie's mic. Then Lindsey hand in hand with Stevie. I'm not gonna cry.

The Chain. I always think it can't get any better than this, and it always does. John comes out and hops around a little in the spotlight for his solo.

Dreams had the crowd singing and swaying along again. Stevie pointed at the crowd during one part. She did the air bongos. Is it this song where she makes a move with her hands like they are scales? I forget. She was smiling a lot tonight. She may take three hours to get ready, but whatever it is is working. Stevie comes up to the mic and says, 'Birmingham, welcome!' And we cheer again.

Lindsey did the 'Someone once said, "when love is gone, there's always justice/ And when justice is gone, there's always force"' speech before Peacekeeper again. This is apparently, a lyric from a Laurie Anderson CD, which I think is hysterical because the remaining lyric is, "And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi, Mom!" Did Laurie pull this quote from someone else or is Lindsey really referencing this? Anyway, I thought Stevie sounded better on this tune than Lindsey did. He was straining too much.

Stevie once again thrills with Eyes of the World. She must just love doing it because it shows. She did the arm circle exercises and eye widening and the big smile as she's singing 'eyeeeeees.' She always makes me smile. Lindsey pounces on his mic for his own vocals and gives us a little taste of the guitar work we'll be seeing later. Does anyone else miss his little Mirage hat?

I missed Stevie's intro to Say You Will because I was asking a security guard about tambourines. Some bimbo brought a cheap-ass one and was slamming it around off-beat behind me. Apparently, they allowed this. Why? Anyway, Stevie looks so cute up there singing this song. You are compelled to do the lasso/fishing move with her. And it almost gives me chills when they quiet it down for the last round of the chorus. Big applause afterwards. Has the single been released YET!?!

Never Going Back Again. Stevie's looking fetching in her Rhiannon outfit as she makes her way to the mic. The crowd is already cheering because they recognize the opening melody. Stevie had her hands on her hips and moves one to the mic to hold it while she's singing. I get chills when they start singing it together. Thank you so much for not retiring after The Dance. Stevie holds up the 1, 2, 3 fingers when she sings the 'been down one time' parts to Lindsey. Big smile on her face (and ours).

Rhiannon is a huge crowd pleaser. The folks who were still sitting get up and sing along. I keep forgetting to mention Stevie's earrings, but she's wearing these long diamond numbers, at least two in her left ear. Lindsey made his way back to lean on the drums, letting Stevie have the stage. Her voice is sounding great and she knows it. She started howling at the end of the song and pulled on the mic stand. I love that she's allowing herself to do this now.

Again, almost everyone sits for Come. I had noticed a lot of old people when we were making our way into the stadium and I had to remind myself that this band has been around for decades, not just since 1997. I guess it's no wonder they are shocked (possibly appalled) by Come. I have to remind myself that not everyone has their Mac CDs sitting next to Linkin Park on their shelves. Then I start watching Mick and John, wondering what they think of the song since they have to play it every night. This is when I notice how much John is moving and how he is playing the hell out of his bass. I guess he likes it Lindsey held his guitar over his head (guitar strap nearly strangling him again) at the end and then hugged his guitar to his chest for several seconds before moving his hand over his heart. Mick stood up behind his drum kit and held his hand over his chest too, and I worry for a moment that the old guy is about to have the big one. My friend Carolyn had told me after the Atlanta concert that you have to hand it to the guy for playing like he does for two and a half hours straight. I made a face at her then, but she's right.

Gypsy was so good tonight. Stevie was looking over at Lindsey as he was singing 'maybe once, maybe twice' and she was mouthing the words and making the number two sign with her fingers with this big grin on her face and she totally forgot to sing the first la la las and had to get back to her mic in a jiffy. She smiled over at Lindsey when she picked up her vocal. Totally adorable moment.

Mick leads Stevie off the stage, banner drops down behind him, and the lights are still down, but Lindsey makes even more of a fuss over stretching out his fingers than he did in Atlanta. He didn't say anything, though. Again, a flawless performance of the song.

Ok, Landslide. How glad am I that I get to see this at my last show? Stevie comes back on stage and walks over to the mic and says (and please someone have recorded this cause my memory is faulty), 'We don't usually say much, but we decided that we had to mention what happened here. Back in 1975, after we had joined Fleetwood Mac, we found out that we could do a show down here as Buckingham Nicks. Fleetwood was benevolent enough to let us come here and do a show for 5,000 people. And that's a LOT of people. (She was smiling and laughing and looking over at Lindsey who was nodding and smiling, himself. And I think it was during this speech that they gave each other the hi-five.). It was a taste of what it was going to be like for us.' Then she dedicated the song to the city of Birmingham. Yes, we all cheer again. If I had a candle, I would light it.

Stevie sang it beautifully, and it just can't get old when the two of them are up there performing it this well. Someone must have flashed the 55 at Stevie because she was smiling and looking into the audience and she did it back. I believe it was this song where they held hands for a moment, too. Stevie held the note about as long as she did in Atlanta, and milked it just a little. There was a hug and a forehead kiss at the end. If we hadn't already been standing, we would have given her a standing ovation. But I guess all of Stevie's song have a built-in ovation because no one sits for her songs.

I think everyone was competing for the Say Goodbye Idiot award. The song has barely started and five people pass me to get beer. Everyone immediately starts talking. Including the damn security guards who are howling with laughter and are completely LOUD. Is it so hard to shush for five minutes? And the bimbo with the tambourine thinks it's time for her solo. Would it be wrong of me to strangle her with her "instrument"? Somehow, Lindsey and Stevie manage another breathtakingly beautiful performance, though Stevie and Lindsey did both look out into the crowd for a second.

I'm still loving What's the World Coming To. I just never would have expected this one to be so fun live. Even with the standard spontaneous speech that preceeds it.

Stevie did her never-thought-we'd-do this speech and said 'So songwriters, keep writing because you never know.' Somehow the audience has no trouble being silent for Beautiful Child. Or maybe it's because the full band is on stage for the song so it drowns them out, I don't know, but it's always a highlight. I do...I wish that you were mine. Stevie throws her head back and sings it with her hands outstretched.

Second Hand News kicked again. Stevie was hitting her imaginary drums on either side of the mic as she was singing the Bams.

Stevie tore up Gold Dust Woman. She does a little half-twirl during John's bass part. The lighting sets off her shawl beautifully. All the hand movements. The whole thing is a Kodak Moment and Stevie milks this song for all it's worth. Flashes go off all over the arena when she does her pose at the end. So much for the honor system. I was standing right in front of about three guards the whole time, but wasn't using a flash and they didn't care.

I think Lindsey messed up on So Afraid. Something definitely happened. He turned around and looked at Mick with this 'WTF' expression on his face. The audience members who weren't running off for beer seemed to enjoy the song. He got them to stand, finally. He really had to work at those ovations tonight. I almost felt sorry for him.

Stevie was into Silver Springs tonight. Boy. She had all her air-instruments at the ready. She did her arm over the eyes twirl. She did air violin to Lindsey as he played, and he nodded to her. And she SANG. Did she ever. Her face got red and she was very much into it like The Dance where at the end she had to calm down and catch her breath for the last line. Awesome. We were cheering fools at the end of that one. She owns us

We're still cheering when Tusk starts up. Lindsey works himself (and all the rest of us) up. Drum break. Time to get tusking. John prepares himself. Stevie steps aside to let the ramming begin. Lindsey made a beeline over to John and tusked him but good (again, sorry Kathryne). Then he zones in on Stevie and wraps his arm around her neck and tusks her. Poor Mick never gets tusked.

The bongos get going and Stevie is over by Brett, fixing her hair and adjusting her gold and black shawl, getting ready. She stomps up to the stage and makes a big show of pointing at Carlos and playing air guitar with him. He eats up all that attention. She grabs ahold of her mic and sings the song for all it's worth. The crowd is screaming and clapping and doing the stand back arms with her. Then the twirling commences and we really let loose. Towards the end of the song, Stevie stretches her arms up with the cape falling beautifully around her. Bring those cameras, ya'll.

We can't catch our breath for Go Your Own Way. Lindsey gets going and we all sing along. Lindsey had to hold his guitar out away from him to get someone to play it. I only saw one guy get up there and strum it. I didn't need that much encouragement, myself I love the part during GYOW when Stevie makes her way over to our side (since I seem to always be on Lindsey's side). She holds her tambourine high and smiles and waves at us. She made a funny face when she first got over there. I don't know what the crowd was doing, but it was hysterical. Lindsey signed what he could. He was still jumping and almost skipping off the stage as they exited.

World Turning again such a crowd pleaser. Lindsey and Stevie both sound terrific on it and are having a ball. I'm wondering how much Mick's vest cost him during his solo. This of course, makes me wonder how much it would cost us to have it 'disappeared'. Stevie, bless her soul, comes back out and does her World Turning dance in front of me. Love (almost all of) that song.

Stevie nailed her part on Don't Stop. She doesn't always mess up the lyrics, you know Brett played with his elbows again, but wasn't as animated as he was in Atlanta. Stevie always makes sure to make a big fuss over him.

Mick makes the introductions. Lindsey sidesteps across the stage, moving his arm in a big circle as he jumps. Stevie puts her hands together and bows for us. Lindsey was the last to leave the stage every time, stopping to sign things and shake hands.

Here they come, one last time (sob). Just a spotlight on Stevie, then Lindsey when his harmony comes on. Stevie's enchanting in her pale pink shawl. She moves her hair away from her face and sings to us, and even though it's such a gentle song, the crowd manages to control themselves for it. Stevie has us in the palm of her hand.

The lights go up and the band takes their bows. Stevie says, 'Always remember you're a very special place to us.' Stevie waves at everyone on both sides of the stage, and when she gets to our side, several bouquets of flowers land around her and she sees them and mouths 'Thank you' to the crowd, but she doesn't pick them up. Lindsey AND Mick shook hands on their way out. I don't remember Mick doing that before. Lindsey finally pulls himself away and again is the last to leave.

Thank you for making my last show so memorable, Fleetwood Mac. Please come back for that second leg, ya hear?

Ladybug swung down like a swing...kissed him with her wings
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Old 06-06-2003, 10:51 PM
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Great review Tracy! Gosh I felt like I was watching it right next to you. And man have you got restraint!!! I would have told that ms tamborine girl where to stick her tamborine if she didn't shut the blank up. Some people just dont have common sense to be courteous.

Thanks again for the review and yes!! Second leg come back around here....
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Old 06-06-2003, 11:10 PM
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Girl, you need to go to more shows because I freakin' love your reviews!!! I seriously feel like i'm there with you (only I've never had the honor of sitting in the feels as though I have). You should have grabbed bimbo's tambourine and zonked her over the head with it. Oh, and where I work...we have satellite radio (MUZAK) and on the station called Hot FM they've been playing Say You Will like, 3 times a day for the past like, 3 weeks. I've never heard Peacekeeper on there at all. They also play a lot of Stevie and Mac...the only highlight of my working day..oh, and I totally sing to my customers
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Old 06-07-2003, 09:43 AM
Tango Tango is offline
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Thumbs up Thank you Tracy!

Another show of shows! Thank you for taking us there with you, so to speak! I saw your pictures! I am laughing at your nosebleed fourth row seats. Listen, for the detailed reviews you are sharing with all of us, I'd personally keep sending you out "on assignment"! Okay, start saving. SECOND LEG!!!!
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Old 06-08-2003, 02:40 PM
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Great review
I was at the first Worcester show and someone behind me had sleigh bells. Very annoying indeed. There should be a sign banning them. Cameras are silent

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Old 06-08-2003, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Birmingham (My last review. Phew.)

Originally posted by tgee
I have to remind myself that not everyone has their Mac CDs sitting next to Linkin Park on their shelves.
That would be me!

lol...I'm absolutely serious....all my FM/LB CDs are stacked right here in between my Linkin Park CDs and Pink Floyd CDs...!

Thanks for all your mega reviews, they're so detailed it's almost like being there!

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