The Ledge

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bombaysaffires 04-29-2018 12:46 AM

I was thinking about the claims that he wanted them to postpone the tour for 2 years. maybe close to 2 years from musicares, but not 2 years for the tour if you do the math properly. they say they were going to go into rehearsals in june (2018) and rehearse 5-6 weeks, and then the tour, according to what LB told fans at musicares, would actually start in August (2018). which, if you're rehearsing into June and July, makes sense. So if, for the sake of argument, he did ask them to postpone from Aug 2018 until Nov 2019, how is that 2 years?:shrug:

And then, if you look at dates the tour doesn't start until what Oct 2018? So they did move it a little over 2 months further out. Why? Like people have said, if they moved Mac gigs till Oct, that might give LB time for a short summer solo tour. Otherwise, why move it?

iamnotafraid 04-29-2018 12:51 AM


I am beyond disappointed that it was Lindsey who got booted. Stevie should have just quit and
hired the Heartbreakers to be her band and let the others continue as a creatively viable, working entity.


I can't keep up with every post here,
but that's one of the best things I've read.

dreamsunwind 04-29-2018 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1225463)
I was thinking about the claims that he wanted them to postpone the tour for 2 years. maybe close to 2 years from musicares, but not 2 years for the tour if you do the math properly. they say they were going to go into rehearsals in june (2018) and rehearse 5-6 weeks, and then the tour, according to what LB told fans at musicares, would actually start in August (2018). which, if you're rehearsing into June and July, makes sense. So if, for the sake of argument, he did ask them to postpone from Aug 2018 until Nov 2019, how is that 2 years?:shrug:

And then, if you look at dates the tour doesn't start until what Oct 2018? So they did move it a little over 2 months further out. Why? Like people have said, if they moved Mac gigs till Oct, that might give LB time for a short summer solo tour. Otherwise, why move it?

The only place the two years claim came from is Ken Caillat who was probably misinformed. The band themselves, in their twisted version of events, says it was only a one year delay he 'asked' for. But the whole notion that he insisted on delaying the tour is a lie itself.

HomerMcvie 04-29-2018 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1225426)
Stevie if you are not the boss in this band, and go along with the majority, why didn’t you freaking record you lying witch?

You know, after 15 years here, it's like the Ledge is finally my home.:angel:

I've been saying she's a hag for years, and y'all(80%, anyway) finally agree with me! :lol::lol::lol:

StreetAngel86 04-29-2018 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Kyle (Post 1225311)
Lindsey is in good health. He can record solo albums and do solo tours for the next 20 years.

are you his doctor?
don't make sweeping statements like that
maybe he doesn't like going to the doctor
maybe he has an affinity for sugary treats
maybe he has undiagnosed diabetes.
we don't know nothing

StreetAngel86 04-29-2018 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by jmn3 (Post 1225347)
At least Ringo is kinda fun and it's a party atmosphere (cringe inducing however)...these people didn't look to be having fun in their interview. They looked like they were at a funeral. Ringo has an amusing and engaging personality...who is going to be that in this incarnation of Fleetwood Mac? Stevie rambling incessantly? Chris who is on record as saying she dreads having to go out from behind the keys when she does (Everywhere, Oh Well, etc)? John who hasn't said ten words in 30 years? Or two guys who just joined the band? Or best will be Mick. The drum vest is coming back and this time the World Turning total run time is going to approach 45 minute "ARE YOU WITH ME!? *SPIT* *SPIT* WAHHHHHHHHHH *SPIT*"

i have NEVER laughed so hard at a post on this board in the 15 years i've been here


at least John's into the double digits with his words!


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1225375)
Judging by the last three weeks, I'm starting to wonder if she ever told the truth in her life. :shocked:

so. much. THIS. i am so disappointed.
remember when she said when people they love start dying off he'll be the first one she calls and vice versa
and what happened to all their loooooooooong conversations and mending crap between them that happened 50 million years ago?
Losing Glenn and Prince and Tom a DAY before Lindsey's birthday must have really messed her up
maybe she hit her head
i really don't want to believe Stevie has been this evil, calculating b!tch since 2015
I went to a bunch of her solo shows last year and she can barely get through the show without mentioning Him 50 million times.
there is a lot of good memories there. and i highly doubt half the people at her shows give 2 craps about BN like the people would at a FM show
i have to believe some awful bad $h! t happened in January because no pic from the Musicares event looks even remotely as awkward as the pics that have emerged this week of the new FM tribute band ...


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1225423)
I think Stevie spent the 4-5 days before Mick officially called Mike convincing him and then John that she was serious about quitting the band rather than still working with Lindsey. "It's me or him" and I don't think she meant just the tour. :shrug:

I think the use of "muscle memory" is weird..... like, you'd expect it if he said, "It all was too reminiscent of things in the past" or something. Is he using the word "muscle" to imply there was a physical element to whatever happened?? I would doubt it was someone hitting someone else or something like that, but maybe throwing a guitar??

i think it's like when you learn first aid and get overwhelmed and you're never going to remember this
and then someone is dying in front of you and you just remember everything and know what do to

or you've been driving a manual (stick) for 10 years and then you get an auto for a few years but have an accident and your loan car is a manual
you just remember how to drive it like you never weren't driving it

i do think though that mick is just blabbering nonsense
to avoid answering questions in any cogent form

MoonSister75 04-29-2018 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by StreetAngel86 (Post 1225468)

we don't know nothing

I agree, there's much speculation, rumour, imaginings, conspiracy theories, discussing possible scenarios,

but at the end of the day, unless we were there, we don't really know anything..... :confused::confused::confused:

NotonRodeo 04-29-2018 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1225429)
The interviewer asks how long ago the split happened. They say after Musicares. At one point Stevie says she left for Maui on Feb 4.

The interviewer says, "Prior to that you, you thought the tour was going to be WITH Lindsey?"

Mick starts to say "Well, we, we didn't know we.." and Chris says "Yes" somewhat emphatically. And Mick just keeps continuing: "... had a tour. That was, that was... part of, of... you know....the 'problem' in terms of where it became a, a, a total impasse. 4 of us... had, had to come to a decision....where we'd planned to be doing uh... a know a huge, lovely, FM tour... and, and Lindsey-- for sure-- had very different opinions about when that should start. And....would.... the whole thing without belaboring it... was, was percolating in a way that was not....was NOT ok... for... the majority of the band, in terms of, of knowing that we were gonna... go on tour, and he had, uh.... for whatever reasons, and Lindsey will, I'm sure, will address it in terms of, of a project he was working on, but it's not about "oh, what, what do you mean...why, why couldn't you wait?" and all that stuff. We planned on doing what we were doing for a long, long time, and... majority rules in terms of what we needed to do as a band, and go forward and, and it, it literally hit a brick wall, uh, after the show, and, and, Fleetwood Mac, it's're sitting there, you're very conversant with the...the strange animal known as 'Fleetwood Mac', and..... really... a lot of other sensibilities... uh, came into... play, where it just wasn't a happy situation... and we... made that decision that we were gonna part company."

Interviewer: so the biggest issue was scheduling the tour... is that how you?.. is that what happened, Stevie, that was the big issue?

And she goes into the June vs November thing

Interviewer "and that's what..."

And she goes into doing her tour, and all that.....schedules. etc..

More Mick gobbledygook. "the whole thing without belaboring it... was, was percolating in a way that was not....was NOT ok... for... the majority of the band" What does that even mean in plain English? For such a smooth talker as Mick to tie himself into knots into expressing something incomprehensible simply means the lie is so obvious and the truth so awful and damaging to the band's reputation.

If it was really the tour then he could easily have said this: "We wanted to tour in August, Lindsey wanted us to move it to November, and we couldn't agree." How difficult is that to enunciate? And notice Christine saying Yes when the question was posed whether Lindsey was originally expected to join them on tour. Ooh, Mick had to cover that up quickly.

Because it wasn't the tour. Because Stevie simply wanted Lindsey out. Is there anyone on this board who is actually surprised Lindsey and Stevie don't get along?

Mike Campbell gave her the opportunity to replace him with a guitarist she could control. Very simple really.

StreetAngel86 04-29-2018 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1225408)

The fact he said that twice-- once in each interview-- I think is revealing, to me anyway. It's like he's heard her side of things,her complaints about LB like they don't get along and they don't write songs together and all that.... and he's intentionally or unintentionally signaling that he's aware of her complaints about LB and he's sure that he and she won't have the same problems. It just made it clearer to me she's vented to Mike about her issues with LB (probably forever) and made it clear what she's looking to have in a guitarist. He comes off as def "her" guy. Chris seems to have bonded much more strongly to Neil.

i think it's interesting now that Stevie's ONLY allegiance is Mike
Mick has Neil. Can sway with John and influence Chris
i don't think that just because Lindsey is gone Stevie is going to be any less of a diva. I think she's going to be on her best behavior but Mike has not been in a band with Stevie for 40+ years. I don't think this lineup is going to last very long. Calling it now.

NotonRodeo 04-29-2018 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by StreetAngel86 (Post 1225473)
i think it's interesting now that Stevie's ONLY allegiance is Mike
Mick has Neil. Can sway with John and influence Chris
i don't think that just because Lindsey is gone Stevie is going to be any less of a diva. I think she's going to be on her best behavior but Mike has not been in a band with Stevie for 40+ years. I don't think this lineup is going to last very long. Calling it now.

Agreed. This lineup likely won't make it to October, at best six months into the tour. It's not like 1987 in one sense, everyone's ego is much larger now, especially hers.

NotonRodeo 04-29-2018 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1225459)
The most gratifying thing about this kind of interviews is the fact that people start realizing what was the initial reason of Lindsey's firing. It's not that complicated, really. Like you said, she couldn't stand seeing Lindsey and Christine working together again, and closer than ever. :nod:

She is an embittered old woman who can't stand someone else having fun and being happy. Look at her version of happiness--firing her ex from his livelihood for no reason whatsoever. She will always blame him and Fleetwood Mac for all of her problems. She will never admit her miseries in life were self-inflicted.

She is upset that Lindsey produces her songs and they don't turn out the way she wants. Why doesn't she learn to play an instrument so she could tell him what she does want, just as Chris does? She is mad Fleetwood Mac got her into drugs, liquor, etc. Why, did Mick Fleetwood threaten to fire her if she didn't do coke? She is jealous of Lindsey's family. Who told her to abort her baby with Don Henley? She is mad at the doctor who prescribed her Klonopin. Who told her to abuse it--and yes, she did abuse it, I have been taking Klonopin for more years than she did and I have NEVER suffered anything of what she described, because I follow doctor's orders, and she likely didn't.

But it's never her fault.

bwboy 04-29-2018 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by StreetAngel86 (Post 1225473)
i think it's interesting now that Stevie's ONLY allegiance is Mike
Mick has Neil. Can sway with John and influence Chris
i don't think that just because Lindsey is gone Stevie is going to be any less of a diva. I think she's going to be on her best behavior but Mike has not been in a band with Stevie for 40+ years. I don't think this lineup is going to last very long. Calling it now.

As you once said-

Are you her psychiatrist
don't make sweeping statements like that

ryan4136 04-29-2018 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by MoonSister75 (Post 1225471)
but at the end of the day, unless we were there, we don't really know anything..... :confused::confused::confused:

You wouldn’t say that to Bob Dylan.

bwboy 04-29-2018 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by ryan4136 (Post 1225483)
You wouldn’t say that to Bob Dylan.

You're not Bob Dylan ;)

jmn3 04-29-2018 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by ryan4136 (Post 1225483)
You wouldn’t say that to Bob Dylan.

That line should be on her tombstone one day

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