Thread: GIFs.....
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Old 07-09-2013, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by michelej1 View Post
I know that feeling about things. Like I'll have a dvd set (in my china cabinet. I don't keep dishes in there, just dvds!) sitting around for a couple of years and I don't pay attention to it and then one day I pop it in the player and suddenly my fate is sealed. I'm obsessed and just think how long I went around oblivious to something that could have this much of a hold on me.

My cable went out for almost 3 days last week and I had a lot of series I could have watched on DVD and I never watched anything actually, but I just thought to myself, "See you could have finally opened that Lost package and maybe you would love it and you would be immersed. But you didn't. And now you'll never know."

Sometimes things hit you and it's like being run over by a car. Now, that Dance dvd . . . in 1997 I can remember sitting and watching it twice and then I went to the grocery store and it was like 9:00 p.m. and I thought, "Oh, if I get home in time I can watch it again." I was out of my mind, but it's only over FM.

Yes, yes, you nailed it Michele! This is what I have been trying to explain to people but they just don't get it. It did feel like I had been run over by a car while watching that Dance dvd and it was that time finally that I realized the hold it had on me and it made me want to delve into whatever information I could find about them, and since then I've learned a lot.

I also do that with tv shows or movies I really like: "Oh if you start watching that again you'll realize how much you've missed it."

Hahaha...that grocery store story is funny. That'd be me too wanting to watch it again until I get tired of it.
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