Thread: Unexpected FM
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Old 03-24-2023, 03:39 PM
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vivfox vivfox is offline
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I had an amusing Fleetwood Mac dream last night. So it was announced on the radio that FM would be performing in my city this Saturday afternoon for an outdoor show in a park. I made sure to get there early. Oddly only about 14 other people showed up so we all got to be up close but I placed myself right in front of Stevie's microphone. The music starts and John & Mick are behind a curtain. I never saw them. I just assumed it was them. Someone was playing guitar but again, never saw who that was either. Then the curtain parts in one area and out walks Stevie who then proceeds to sing two 1980's songs by The Violent Femmes,(their obscure songs. Not their hits) another song by an unknown male artist and another 80's era Violent Femmes song. Stevie said she was promoting male artists for this show. After those four songs she exits the stage. The small area of the curtain opens up again and out pops Christine McVie. (Apparently my dream self doesn't know she's no longer with us) Christine continues with the male artists theme and sings eight songs. I have never heard any of these songs in my life but they were all good, rocking songs. Then she walks off the stage and the show is over. During the Christine part of the show about 30 more people showed up to watch and now all 44 people have left to go back to their cars. The roadies start breaking down the stage and Christine comes back out, shows me a piece of paper and explains to me how before she debuted these songs she sent them all on a CD to the editor of Rolling Stone Magazine hoping for a good review to appear in their next issue. Instead the piece of paper is from the editor telling her that her songs suck in his opinion and she should just trash the whole project and write her own songs instead. I told her the songs she sang were really good and not to listen to his opinion and my words made her smile and feel better about herself. Then she walked away and I went home.

Last edited by vivfox; 03-24-2023 at 04:20 PM..
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