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Old 08-16-2023, 08:18 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by aleuzzi View Post
I happen to think No Road is the best song on the album. It sounds like a ready-made hit to me. I wish she had pursued some of that stax-style soul on her later albums, but hey--I love where she ended up going :-)

Gone Into the Sun, It's You I miss, and Tell Me You Need Me are all really cool tunes that would have sounded great on the album. I'm assuming they weren't completed in time? That's the only explanation I can think of.

The two tunes I really I dislike are Let Me Go (Leave Me Alone) and When You Say.

Crazy 'Bout You Baby, to my ears, sounds a lot better on the Fleetwood Mac live-in-studio recording on Madison Blues. Kirwan and Spencer each take a turn at a solo, and each is excellent.

The last five songs on Christine Perfect are so pleasing to my ears!
Your love for this album inspires me. (truly). I've been listening to it a lot more closely. It's a great album.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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