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Old 01-19-2024, 09:16 PM
AnthonyMI AnthonyMI is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Chicago
Posts: 779

Back then I was just a baby. 17 years old. I believe I went by AnthonyCT originally since I was living there. The other young ones were Erica (of Saugatuck CT, whom attended the Hartford Enchanted show with me), A kid named Scott Boucher, Laura from Tennessee (LauraTN) and someone else. I think Pearl? I forget.

There was also the Talk To Me Chat Room (remember Chat Rooms?!) where you could make up any name you wanted before entering. Someone or someone’s would say they were anyone where Stevie’s Mom to The lady who ran her fan club, to Christine’s child that she had in secret in the Mirage era. LOL. We were so freaking naive and gullible. the Blue Ledge and Pink Ledge sometimes had turf wars which in the late 90’s led to the Black Ledge where there was a lot of cyber bullying led by a guy who still came here up till a few years ago. God. What a bunch of weirdos. I took it so seriously back then. Then, thankfully I got this thing called a Life and now I only come to lurk and look for news and relive those early days when FM was still productive and full of life. I’m 43 now. Soon 44. And though I love FM I do miss them and wish they hadn’t been so lazy post 1997.
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