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Old 04-23-2024, 05:27 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by John Run View Post
JB - I respect and understand your need to delete my post. I stand by my words and the danger that Stephen presents to the existence of The Ledge, as in my opinion he is an active bully to contrary thought. But, as you have ruled, I will walk away defeated and overruled by you. Best to you and your nuanced opinions. I truly do respect all that you have done to elevate each of us as individuals, and as a community.
John, your words haven't had respect for anyone here in a long time. Each time you come in, you bully anyone that disagrees with you, and then tell us how horrible the rest of us mere fans are.

I deleted your post because you continually call member's names, let us know why you despise us, and then "RUN". You're welcome here, but why keep returning only to "stir the pot".

If you have a different opinion than SteveMac, it's fine. But, to project all that unnecessary name calling at him is a bit much. If he'd have disrespected you, I would have deleted his posts.

Ask Homie, I've deleted his in the past. And he privately yells at me. It's ok, I can't please everyone. But, you went way over the top.

Admittedly, I've had to apologize a few times because of my passion for the band and disdain for past members. So I'm not saying I'm above getting P*ssed..
I'm saying it's just your turn to get a comment deleted.

Let's carry on, respectfully. Please.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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